
1.To pursue music by tracking stealthily. 2.To follow or observe (a person or person in bands,) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement. 3. To go through (an area) in pursuit of musical prey or quarry.

Music Addict & Rockstar perpetually in a band no matter the domestic task. Mp3s are for sampling purposes, like the kid who gave you your first bag of pot for free to check out. The files are only left up for a limited time. If you DIG the music, go and support these artists, buy their schwagggg, go to their shows, purchase their CDs/ records/ dvds/ t-shirts and tell all your cheap-ass friends to do the same. * If you represent an artist or a label and would prefer that we remove a link to an mp3, please send a kind email to reviewstalker [ @ ] gmail [.]com and we will immediately remove the file. If you are a band that would like to submit your junk for review use the same email and we’ll tell you how to proceed from there. Have an awesome day. Thanks.

Review Stalker News:
Part of our side business and moving towards our main business is our company Viva! La Hara Films + Digital Marketing which offer digital production, consulting and social marketing consulting services. If your band needs a rock video mention you saw the listing here and we’ll give you a good deal.

We made the Top 100 Most Influential Music Blogs in 2014 list on Style of Sound.

FOLLOW ON TWITTER: @ReviewStalker or “Like us” on facebook.com/ReviewStalker for the extras!


Reviewstalker.com is owned and operated by Viva! La Hara Music llc.

For advertising opportunities/rate cards please contact us at the gmail account too.


The year was 1993! I was sitting in my 2nd floor apartment in New Brunswick, New Jersey inspired but all sorts of amazing music flooding around me.  I was in a pretty popular local band called Mr. Thumb who were gigging regularly in the tri-state area so I was meeting all sorts of interesting folks. At the time I thought I had a pretty impressive record collection but like any scenester I wanted more music (For Free). Bands were always trading tapes through the mail so what the hell. I named my first zine DIGESTOR in reference to how much I was consuming musically. I remember picking up this Open Pamphlet series issue on Noam Chomsky and remember being inspired by the high quality and that it didn’t take up a lot of room in the waterfall rack (That’s record retailer speak for slanted shelf). Basically it was 8 1/2 by 11″ paper folder longways. Didn’t seem hard to put together so why not. I knew how to fool the system at Kinkos having spent countless hours there making flyers. Anyway, I was able to feature some local bands like Deadguy, Buzzkill and get on a bunch record labels(dischord, epitaph, empty etc) of mailing lists in a short period of time. A big validation point was being reviewed in Fact Sheet Five. I’ll post a cover for one of the issue soon but I think the reviews were always super nice so here is one of them above. This in the infancy of email so I got a typed post-card of my review!

Gimp Issue number 3 – Cover Art by The HUJA Brothers

A couple years roll-by and I’m in like 3 bands( Aviso’Hara, Suran Song in Stag and Bubblegum Thunder) and in a different apartment around the corner (223 Livingstone Ave). I get the brilliant idea to expand the zine and format. More pages, more money, more need for real advertising. I was just about done with college and thinking about my next steps. I had fun with 3 issues of Digestor but didn’t get the respect I was seeing with some of other larger mags/zines with just as terrible content. I loved Ugly American and a bunch of others and saw a need for ones that covered some art, general weirdness and music. I called it GIMP (reference to that fucked up Tarantino scene – yes) -a glitchy magazine or something along those lines. Here’s the art for issue #3 which I never published as I couldn’t see plunking down another $1,500 at the printers at the time. Pains me i never put it out or condensed it there was phone interview in it did with Neurosis. I was consumed with too much playing and trying to decide what I was going to do with my life. I had it all layed out and was about to proof read it (ha!) but alas I ended up joining the workforce somehow figuring out how to be self employed while still keeping one of my bands (Aviso’Hara) moving into their next steps. Honestly the whole timing thing is blurry but it happened.

In the same apartment though is where I started a business with my roommate Sebastian called Shiny Objects. This is when I decide to create my first web zine called slashandburn.net. This was pre-blogger so every page was hand crafted HTML then the WIZZYs came in and I got slicker. I kept it going for awhile, got a job at a actual design company or two and then NYC agency life sucked me in and I let the e-zine go. was hard to write contest and update the code and ideas.  Sometime in 2005 I started a blogger account and rest is history and ad-hoc at best.

Anyway, there is the basic story. Read and listen about the Bands »

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  1. Dot Dash Vs Cursive - [...] STALKER pursuing music with abandon Skip to content HomeAboutThe BandsInterviewsJoshua Flowers of SomasekUnremarkable People…

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