Tonight 11/13/15 at Asbury Park Yacht Club – Dead Stars with the mighty Overlake

Tonight 11/13/15 at Asbury Park Yacht Club – Dead Stars with the mighty Overlake

Tonight on Friday the fucking 13th, 2015 at Asbury Park Yaht Club, New York’s indie rock band Dead Stars rock the jersey shore with the sneakergazing and well groomed Overlake.

ALBUM REVIEW: Dead Stars – Slumber

Here is a cassette/digital release that is equal parts malt liquor guitar distortion grind alla J-Mascis and melodic rock vocals akin to jets to brazil. So as far as classic rock fans go you could throw in Dave Grohl there as an audible influence too by his long hairs but without the idiocratic persona. Maybe I also like it because it’s a strong 90’s nod to his upstate band called Tugboat Annie or even teenage fanclub. Many good reasons but this record stands on it’s own and is the good shit so you should support them on bandcamp.

Dead Stars ‘Someone Else’ Old Flame Records

OK,enough of my bullshit. Give this some love so your mom can see what you are doing facebook today

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