Rocktober Crop O’ Singles

Rocktober Crop O’ Singles

Move it a long my dear protestors this is a real insurgency. Every month we smash or trash some songs and then let you grab the spoils. There would be busted and bruised ego’s if you heard us in the board room throwing darts at some of the music that does not make the cut. For the record all bribes are accepted as there is no real formal process other than sending us a downloadable link for your latest and greatest track. We think these are number one hits in their own rights but do feel free to follow the unedited Review Stalker noise on the twitters. Enjoy!

Drew Smith Single ReviewLove Teeth MP3 by Drew Smith. We’ll start you out on a slow burn jam which comes with a nicely illustrated collage video. This would also be a great song for a endtro-intro to a film or HBO series like Big Love because the string orchestration draws you in while still remaining at it’s core a decent hip alternative thing going on versus some of that Dave Mathews junk. Drew has a vibe which is reminiscent of Matt Pond PA so if you are fans check him out.

Femme FatalityBackroom Darlings MP3 by Femme Fatality from That’s It, Thar’a It.This one is big fuzzy electro disco assault where any thing can happen in the backroom of the green room of the club. Girls sleeping with dogs and guys crossing over to the other side. It’s a trashy sordid affair. We really can’t tell who is into what these days but this music should make any hipster make crazy whoopie sounds. Think The Faint using the tools Kraftwork taught them to use for backroom concert fan situations via

The Gift Horse Single Review by Brown Shoe Diving Bell MP3 by Brown Shoe from The Gift Horse. This is some pretty boy rock music with some of the singing done in a falsetto voice that whisks then it rocks out a bit. The marching band snare drum shuffle moves this along like a rolling wave of underwater seaweed being run over by a lawnmower. Whatever that means we give you this band’s song because it’s good. Get the rest of The Gift Horse manscape on Brown Shoe’s band camp page.

1 Comment

  1. Avatar

    Thanks for the nice review of “Backroom Darlings” by Femme Fatality.

    take care,

    Stickfigure Recordings


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