Monthly Crop of Singles: More Indie More Pop Music

Monthly Crop of Singles: More Indie More Pop Music

SINGLE REVIEWS: The inbox has been flooding with music on a daily basis so the listening queue is getting longer and longer. So if I don’t get right back to you please don’t take it personally. When my ears perk-up like a dog that hears a sound with that sound is when I get excited and reminded why I do this for ya’ll. To be fair though and as a general FYI I grab everything and put it in a For Review playlist and do the due dilligence and drop the needle in there and listen. Here’s a bunch of tracks and bands that have stood out recently in said playlist. We might do this monthly to give everybody a chance. Not sure what I’m going to call it but it will definitely not feature well known groups but it will be the farm team and it will always be good. No point in writing about stuff that sucks.

Here’s a Tacoma, Washington band called SLOWWAVE via the kind folks Savings n Loan Records with a track called “Pour” from their new EP Drag Lake Sin this week. The mellow like garfunkel vocals and found folky zipher sound builds on this track. After bridges you might find yourself in a dream sequence sounscape that reminds me of something in-between In Rainbows & Misery Is A Butterfly. Stalk them for sure.
Download: Pour MP3 by SLOWWAVE

Kraftwerk inspired keyboard thonking with a Of Montreal Depeche mode-ish vocal delivery is what you get from James Curd Presents Ziggy Franklin’s disco. This track is as much song as you could squeeze out of one 80’s underground dance beat but when “Shelter” plays it reminds me that alternative dance music scene was cool and you’d listen because you got to wear black a lot.
Download: Shelter MP3 from No Need To Fight About It [Buy it from Smash Hit Music Co]

San Francisco’s Shuteye Unison have come a long way from their post-punk daze. Here’s the title track from Our Future Selves that can best be described as a enigmatic dose of rock. Big word we know but it is what happens when music is distilled this well. You’ll be a fan if you like Silver Pick-ups or that Canadian Broken Social Scene. Awesome record.
Download: Our Future Selves MP3 by Shuteye Unison s/t [Buy]

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