My Teenage Stride NY pop fest video

Always good to see tris mccall jamming on the keys. Here are some more photos from the NY Popfest at the cake-shoppe. My Teenage Stride do this alla Jay Reatard a little bit. Total low-fi with the high fidelity quality of great 60’s singles and their Creep Academy single is great example of this psychedelic influence of the velvet underground mashing up with the pop aesthetic. Ok so the singer Jedediah Smith looks like he’s in his 40’s and that is ok. Pollard was in up there too when he broke to masses on college radio. So easy to say a creative peak indeed! Let your ears do the listening and your feet do the dancing as this music reminds me of what i got with wfmu Michael Shelly bonus pledge cd Cut that out! Sampled below for you to dig man.

Single B-side:
Average Justice – By My Teeenage Stride mp3
Not Behind The Fighter Jet – GBV from Mag Earwhig! (bonus mp3)
Green Onions – Byron Lee & The Dragonaires (wfmu bonus mp3)
Sidewinder – Wes Dakus & The Rebels wfmu bonus mp3)


  1. Avatar

    Dude Jed’s like 29 or something. He’s just haggard as hell.

  2. Avatar

    Damn that sux


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