Court Tavern mini short video

sThis is a pretty well done montage of New Jersey’s infamouse roadhouse biker bar known as The Court Tavern. Tons of local like prosolar mechanics and regional bands [like superchunk, butthole surfers, moistboyz, faith no more] missing that have played the Court but none the less a good job.

You should check out one of them which features Walter from Aviso’Hara, who has just released a FREE online album of the month with The Fireside Chats called FCII: We Will Bring You Champions. The best track is “You Call This a Comeback?”. Walt is also playing tonight, Sat 3/24, with other band Eastern Anchors @ The Brighton Bar in Long Branch, NJ with The Groucho Marxists which features Chris Pierce from Doc Hopper. Later.

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  1. Avatar

    Nice site, but just a heads-up: police your comments a little better. Tons of spam down below.

    I have some recordings on my site. Take a listen if you feel like it.


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