[Mixtape] Re-Surch – “Popes Pond Legend” Yo check out the raw @resurch
VIDEOS: To make up for the months of a questionable hiatus from posting music and writing about I’m just going to post the newest random shit I have received has some merit besides the obvious half of a new wrens song we posted earlier today. Here is a Beck remix of looser and a original with some def rap skillz that I could never match. This stuff is raw and probably sounds great on cassette from Boston, Mass. Check em out Twitter | Web BECK – LOOSER REMIX BY RE-SURCH Re-Surch – Nigga Nigga ft. Napoleon Velasquez, $.A.K He says the word so many times in this it looses it meaning but very old school none the less and I suppose the whole point of the chorus. The imagery in this video is NSFW or small children but may be a good conversation piece around the confederate flag and why it’s fucked up that so many states were still flying it about their capitals. Give this a like on FB so your mom see’s this...NEW WRENS! – well half a song at least
There are horns on this and this short message from Charles on their facebook page. At this point the long winters might get something completely out before them but lets see. This was the last song finished (a week ago Sunday) and up to the night before, tried to fit this back into the larger song but just couldn’t make it work. This was the final version, now playing at 1 halfstep down (instead of three like the previous snippet) but still slower than the orig. But even this is still sort of an unfinished mess between the diff. drum takes playing, the vocals recorded at diff. speeds, the 12-string in the L speaker cutting out. So in the end, out it stayed. [soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/213849035″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Ok likers do what you’s...ALL AGES ROCK MATINEE: Eastern Anchors, Overlake, Sink Tapes, Dollar Store Riot, Galanos, Rock n Roll Hi Fives
What is important to know about this awesome line-up is that it’s ALL AGES. Put together to fill a desperate gap in music. ROCK MATINEE wants Dads & Moms, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles to introduce the kids in their life to music other than what is on the damn Disney Channe! ALL KIDS UNDER 10yr old it’s FREE admission. This organization wants different cities around NJ to host monthly events and help grow the ROCK MATINEE network. There is no hub yet but feel free to email headphonemusic @ gmail.com for advice. Come see 6 kick ass bands at one kick ass NJ club at a matinee, all ages shows (yes, bring the kiddies)….$8.00 @ Door! -Rock N Roll High Fives: 1:00 PM -Galanos: 1:50 PM -Dollar Store Riot: 2:40 PM -Sink Tapes: 3:30 PM -Overlake: 4:20 PM -Eastern Anchors: 5:10 PM ROCKNROLL HI-FIVES Joe Centano and family. Joe used to play in local indie rock heroes Plug Spark Sanjay. His family rocks. the RocknRoll HiFives – "Good with the Bad" from Joe Centeno on Vimeo. GALANOS is favorite band around review stalker camp and we’re very psyched to be able to see them on Pyrrhic Victory Recordings. DOLLAR STORE RIOT Maplewood, NJ noise rock. SINK TAPES – Indie rock from the basements of New Brunswick, NJ OVERLAKE – Break-out shoegaze music from New Jersey. Features the ever present Tom Barrett on Vocal and Guitar. On Killing Horse Records. EASTERN ANCHORS Been rocking forever making melodic noise rock features members of Aviso’Hara on Viva! La Hara Records. Eastern Anchors – Dragging Your Axe Behind You by Eastern Anchors...Album Review – Dereconstructed by Lee Bains III and The Glory Fires
ALBUM REVIEW: Man these are good’ole boys re-invented with some rock-n-roll pride that stings you right in the face. Lots of fast jams that remind me of the fast parts of Nine Pound Hammer and burry The Supersuckers with their last rights. Lee Bains III and The Glory Fires is pure and uninhibited by their past. They let the bong rip one energetic tune after the next. It’s not a put-on and you can feel them flying their flag over the music with a different message and a new kind of pride. Taking on the world with dirty sweat, grit and the quest for the good weed. Lee is putting in the good work like a rock-n-roll as a preacher leading the boys into a tornado of rock and a hail locusts. What is important to know that these guys are a live band of regular dudes who happen to be on Sub Pop now who love to play music and listen to all sorts of shit. Hung out with them, drank cheap beer and the good tequila and these men are the real deal. Over the top distortion with great guitar tones is what you need and they delivery. Soon enough you will catch them live and thank us. Website | Twitter Buy it on Emusic Let your mamma know what you been doing and like this on...Mint 1967 classic rock-n-roll covers
I think it was almost a year 1/2 ago or more when Neil Sabatino mentioned to me he was planning on putting out a covers release on his label Mint 400 Records but the twist was all the songs were originally written or released in 1967! That is like 47 year ago people. 1967 was a significant year in music and this covers compilations just scratches the surface with current group who are re-interpreting for posterity their own unique takes and in our humble opinion do it justice 100%. So much psychedelic music and a whole era of uncharted waters in pop music, far too much to mention here as there are whole blogs that really blow it out better than our little brain can handle. The First Pink Floyd album came out then and whole bunch of groups like The Kinks or The Creation had releases that we are still unearthing today. Was basically like the 90’s but the original 90’s if that makes any sense. A musicology student finding this download in the future will be very grateful when they discover this in a meta archeological dig. They say every 30 years popular music re-invents itself and we have yet to see anything as original as this era. Musically we have been borrowing ever since. So we will see what happens but here is a great set of re-interpretations of some amazing songs by 21st century bands and artists like The One & Nines, Fawn and Rabbit, The Duke of Norfolk, Fairmont, Jack Skuller, The Maravines, Moscow Centre, Murzik, Neterare Fan Club, Tri-State and Zach Uncles. This...
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