by David | Jul 27, 2014 | Singles

Lines West – Never judge a band with their obessions with trains. I know there are train people as I tend to be one every once in awhile but prefer the bus. Don’t ask. The answer is boring. However, this album by Lines West has all of the elements we love about Fountains of Wayne, Nada Surf all mixed in this alt-country kind of tinge with perfectly crafted pop songs that should be all over terrestrial radio at the very least. Founded by John Radzin and Brian Larney via Bridgeport, Connecticut. This is the good shit with a nice balance of keyboards, piano and well placed harmonies and smart song writing. Great for Sunday mornings driving over bridges vacation bound somewhere. Buy Itunes | Amazon | Visit:
DOWNLOAD: Down To Me MP3 by Lines West from Stop Look and Listen

The Silence Kit has been making original alternative indie rock for awhile now and every track is crafted with care. We respect this and it comes through very clearly these guys know what they are doing. Here’s a cool song equaly parts baritone new wave vocals with some Haircut 100 thrown in this song called “Looking through” Swizzlings keyboards and a mix of Cure-esque simplicity from their new album Watershed. Check out their deep catalog on their bandcamp. If you love all the amazing sounds of real 80’s alternative then dig this man.

Buffalo Sex Change – Here’s something for all you slow psych fans from upstate NY via Dadstache Records. Think Velvet Underground doing whip-its with the Black Angels and you shall have a Buffalo Sex Change experience. Order this debut on cassette you freaks from their bandcamp store. For fans of early Jesus and Mary Chain.
All three of these bands are awesome and you are welcome.
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by David | Jul 16, 2014 | Singles

Here’s a debut single from Dundas, Ontario, Canada by a band called The Tallest Tree. Super cute power-pop all packed in nice little romp down inde rock lane called “Boat”. Two of the three are married in the trio. I swear I listened to this tunee 4x times in row. Definitely should be single for your summer twitter crush playlsit so go download it from their soundcloud space and give them a good stalking on their website.

Check out this video of a song called “I Can’t Return” by Immigrant Union, which features Brent DeBoer of The Dandy Warhols. This is the first single from their fourth coming album calledAnyway to be released Sept 23rd, 2014. It’s pysch-pop. There is dude making out with a very hot chick then he has regrets and jumps out of plane because of another girl stuck in his phone. I don’t know maybe another Twitter tryst romance gone wrong? Call me crazy. This terantino-esque video was shot in the desert somewhere and was Directed by Mike Bruce (Noel Gallagher, Black Mountain, Paul McCartney) and stars Omar Doom (Inglorious Bastards) and Carolyn Stotesbery (Love and Mercy). Yes, this is hollywood baby. The tune is super hooky and twisty so makes it good also for a classy single and another tune for your mix-tape. Check out their site for the latest.
From sunset alliance here’s Captain Baby and a track called “Olive In the Ocean”. I think I like this mostly because the face painting has been taken to the next level. I could do without the 16th notes never changing but the singing is pretty cool. Just watch you’ll see what I mean. Their front-man guy and artist Asher Rogers has fun in his role being unserious. This track is the single from their debut called Sugar Ox. Very creative. A music is a little 00’s derivative but still twists and turns in the right places. Thankfully it’s not all EDM at which point we would just burn this part of the internet if bands like this didn’t try to be arty. Which is rare so we like this a fuggin lot. Ok? Check out the rest of their album on bandcamp.
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by David | Jul 14, 2014 | Singles

New from Pissed Jeans‘ from their coming record called ‘Shallow‘ out October 7th on Sub Pop. Here is a single called “Boring Girls”. Sorta grinding drunk noise with some yelping and banter. If the guy from The Falls got really, really wasted. We dig it.
Switching up gears somewhat here’s Chris Staples “Hold Onto Something” on Barzuk. With 60’s sounding vibe future soudns and acoustic sparsly record from a release called American Soft. If you like Spoon, Wilco and Grandaddy this is a nice mix of those three.
New Jeff Tweedy and son and a song a called “Wait for Love” via dBpm Records. It’s simple with a couple acoustic layers.
Speedy Ortiz – “Bigger Party” – you can download this track for FREE at beginning July 14. Sadie is the queen of the underground. Big fans around here of her band.Guitar jams like pavement meets the sonic youths. You decide.
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by David | Jun 14, 2014 | Electronic Music, Free Mp3s, Indie Rock, Singles, Uncategorized
Here’s the latest singles and bands to watch with some really great tunes and sounds from the US and across the pond.

Recently added to the Mint 400 Records roster is a fast mod psyche band called Yes Sunshine from Coventry,England. We think they embody that fast paced feel we dig from UK type bands like Pete and The Pirates and a more polished version of The Jam.

Here’s a quick 5 question interview with the band Yest Sunshine to peak your interest. They will be featured on the coming Mint 400 Records Compilation “Patchwork” which is due out this September! So watch our twitter space for more.
What genre of music do you consider your work to be? Who are your major influences?
Well we consider our music to be a mixture of indie,rock,and punk. We are heavily influenced by artists such Arctic Monkeys, The Strokes, Oasis, Pixies, Libertines and of course The Beatles.
What are your songs about? (What specific themes do they cover?)
Well our songs are mainly about, social observations, experiences, teenage angst, and I guess you could say of course love and girls.
What are the differences you see between US rock and British rock at the present moment?
At present we are really enjoying the current New York scene. Bands like Skaters and Drowners are really influencing us. I think there is a visible punk vibe at the minute that new wave UK bands are representing more than US bands.
What has been your biggest challenge as a songwriters? Have you been able to overcome that challenge? If so, how?
The biggest challenge has been over coming the brick wall. Some days nothing clicks, tensions run high and you can’t even string a sentence of lyrics together. We find that the process of song writing can’t be forced. If it’s going to happen, it will happen when it’s ready. When it does, everything falls into place and everything flows. There’s a buzz and you know you’ve got a worthy song.
What advice do you have for people who want to form their own bands?
Be committed. Make the necessary sacrifices. Never give up. And practice, practice, practice.

Psyche, Grunge, Alternative rock whatever it is if it has distortion delivered like Friendly Faux we like it and if they “don’t make any rights” is what I’m usually known to say to my driver when I’m skunk drunk I think we’ll get along here people. We’re super simple this way especially if the bass player is digging in like he is in this mother fucker. Seriously, check out these Columbus Ohio rocksters who can swing the blues big time if they want and rock it out with a few classic arena rock Alice in Chains type backing vocals but yet keep it dirty like a diesel monster truck drag racing down main street. I’m a sucker for power trios and these guys hit it and quit it in all the right places with their no frills rock. These tunes are from their second digital release EP called Three Lefts and we think you should grab the whole thing from them on their bandcamp. The s/t lead track is the dope we’re talking about and make it one louder.
DOWNLOAD: three lefts MP3

Next up is the UK’s Colour of Bone – which is this weird electronic mix of big house bass romp and roc-rave music on their single called “THE SUPERSTITIOUS TWIST”; whilst I’m not sure why all songs must yell at me in capital letters. This one at 80hz is sure to leave you a little deaf perhaps. The artwork is explosive in that BIG DATA kind of way but i guess people like their head exploding. Classify ‘Sympathiser’ under Alt-Elec-Rock along with your mescaline and speed. This music brings out certain musical texture you don’t actually need to be high to understand. It grunges out when need when the Beasties bring that beat around.

I don’t know much about this electronic slow dub project called Drunk Robots from Portugal but I like it. Here’s a track called “have you seen my glasses” from the 22 track album organiosed. Good experimentation with noise, ambient sounds and electronic rock. Pretty mellow but not put you to sleep mellow. Creepy yet carries a melody like Air intrumentals. Drop-off and explore Drunk Robots.
“Fortune and Fate” by Ryan Joseph Anderson from his record The Weaver’s Broom, which was recorded in Nashville by engineer/producer Andrja Tokic (known for his work with Alabama Shakes). Good alt country. Very dark stop motion video which is back by a great whiskey voice teetering on to raspy but much better than Deer Tick’s country swagger. We like this Ryan Joseph Anderson fella.
Ok now you know what to do and like this so your mom can see what you do with your day on Facebook. Thanks!
by David | May 6, 2014 | Free Mp3s, Singles, Uncategorized

Sex Scheme – “Feel Me” – We’ve gone all dark and goth blues on you fuckheads. Actually you’re all fuck-heads because this music is your punishment by the group known as Sex Scheme. We don’t know much except their drummer wrote all this “music”. You can order this 7″ for $5.00 from their bandcamp page which is four songs that bleed into each other with such stellar deft. You should be whipped because with songs like “Dog Slut” and “Eat It” how could you go wrong? Seriously, do you need to know anything because if you do I might need to stab you.
DOWNLOAD MP3: Feel Me by Sex Scheme
Dead – from France VERSE’ EP is hybrid punk and just the smallest bit of electronic bullshit we’ll allow to stream through our ears and on the RS blog. Music for vampires probably. Who cares its pure hot lava that will eat right through your soul and doesn’t sound anything like Gerry Garcia because that would be weird. Blast this.

Barrows – How metal instrumental are you? If you like the deafheaven but without the annoying screaming then you will dig Los Angeles instrumental rock quartet Barrows tune “Red Giant”. Lots of grinding bass and lead guitar hammering. Head bang at will and download this jem.
DOWNLOAD MP3: Red Giant by Barrows
De Duiven – DU – Probably one of the weirder videos we’ve seen in a long time. No hot german chick here for sure but there is a blonde rolling a keg around. Not sure why. This is akin to– Fucking hell if I know. Even when you thought it could be possible to be less wordy than “Da Da Da” by trio. You’ll just have to watch and take our word for it. Dream pop gone wrong. What in the Benny Hill? Does not even begin to justify the next four minutes. We’ll say this. De Duiven has more integrity than “What would the fox say” and that is a giant compliment. Like the facebooks for more german art school humour.
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Singles & Bands to Watch: Mutes, Stagnant Pools, Milan Jay, The Van Doos and Distortion Girls
The Great American Novel, Afghan Whigs, wyd:syd & Otherkin
by admin | Apr 3, 2014 | Singles
SINGLES/ BANDS TO WATCH: We’re going to try and keep this weekly post going. Give us a chance to say our peace about the latest singles that have been slamming our inbox without going on too deep. An extension of one of our awesome tweets if you will.

The Great American Novel – We don’t know why “bushwick nights” didn’t make their previous record either because this has some elements of The Who we dig on the track. In a way we’re glad this is a single so we can enjoy it all on it’s own. “Anthem for Beer Cans” was also apparently cut because it had 1 too many choruses but equally as good as they thought it sound similar to Bulldog Skin. Maybe the whoo who part and pete townesend parts. Seriously dudes, what good rock does not sound like a Guided by Voices or The Who when you put it into perspective. Name your price on their site.
RELATED: Yes sad face is the name of this album
The Afghan Whigs – “The Lottery” from their coming album ‘Do to the Beast‘. Greg Dulli is sounding like one too many cigarettes on this first cut released by Sub Pop. We do like the bands sound as it fits nicely between Gentlemen era guitar thronging and 1965. Which for us is their super sweet-spot.
wyd:syd – “Yesterlove” – pronounced as “wide side. This music is made by 5 guys from Singapore playing light shoe-gaze pop and recommended if you like guitar delays and spacey rock music you shall enjoy this. Very Brooklyn sounding. So we guess there are hipsters everywhere.
Otherkin – “SLN” – Good bass playing on this track from this Dublin based band. We really dig it because they remind us of music like Interpol meets The Dismemberment Plan. Very alternatively affirmative in the right places. Oh and by the way SLN is not an abreviation for “Special Local Needs” at least until the band gets out of their keeping a secret mode. Good song either way. Check out their video below.
SINGLES: Here’s some swirly guitars: Champ vs Lazyeyes
Single of the Day: “Bird” by Tim Foljahn
SINGLE REVIEWS – Esom vs New Manic Spree
by David | Jan 27, 2014 | Cassettes, Singles

Check out the single “Burnt Alive” by the San Diego indie band Champ with a cassette release coming to you by Fleeting Youth Records. This is a short ditty with that high snare drum sound along with lots of noise bouncing off the walls. It’s California flavor of rock made by the youths in a garage somewhere like mad scientists adding old alien film like sounds all over the place. When they need to make their sound big they do just that on the rest of the release which originally came out in July of 2013 digitally. Another great tracks is “Terror of God” so definitely get this when it’s released officially. Twitter | Instagrams
RIYL: No Age, Thermals, Criminal Hygiene, Ween, 4 track rock made on computers, aliens
Download: Champ – Burnt Alive MP3

Next up is Lazyeyes which is four guys from Brooklyn who make twirly reverb drenched music with a touch of delay in their version of guitar pop. Goes down smooth like cheap vodka. Very like-able though. They have a new album in the works so stay tuned. You can name your price for the rest of their EP on their site so throw them a couple bucks so they can make that happen.
Download: Lazyeyes – Nostalgia MP3
RIYL: Brit Pop made by none-brittons, Swirly guitars, Lightouts
Here’s a more recent single from them that is just as quality.
Jan 31 – Glasslands Gallery – Brooklyn, NY
Mar 05 – Pianos New York, NY
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SINGLES: Relations vs Lightouts
DOCUMENTARY: An Oral History of the Legendary City Gardens (NJ)
by David | Dec 5, 2013 | Alternative Rock, Singles

SINGLE OF THE DAY: People meet Tim Foljahn. If you don’t know him already know from his haunted past with doing Two Dollar Guitar with Steve Shelly from Sonic Youth or the myriad of other guitar work with Cat Power, to the noise of the Boredomes; he’s been there hacking away on six strings for a long time. He is the original slow guy of rock music bringing you something new on Kiam Records called “Bird” with backing vocals by Amy Bezunartea and Bass guitar and drums by Jeremy Wilms. Song written by Alexa Wilding. This new material will be available December 10, 2013. Is it a song about a bird or something else? You tell me. I think of it as the music behind the painting that watches you walk by. What is the art thinking or feeling exactly? This music is that feeling personified. His catalog is deep and full of slow jams like this so catch-up with Tim and his epic handle on sitars from his 2012 release Songs For An Age Of Extinction which we can only described it’s as if Nico was a strange man with a dark voice arising in a poppy field of mysterious dreams.
RIYL: Jason Molina, Slow Jams, Glen Hansard
Other MP3 treats:
Country Leaver (Early Mix) MP3 by The Dandy Warhols – Thirteen Tales From Urban Bohemia
Can’t Hardly Wait(cover) MP3 by Deer Tick Live
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RIP: Songs for Jason Molina – a compilation for your good karma
More from Kiam Records – Mass. Grave by The Martha’s Vineyard Ferries
SINGLE REVIEWS – Esom vs New Manic Spree
New Single – Mazzy Star “California” + The Dplan
by admin | Jul 23, 2013 | Indie Rock, Singles

SINGLES: Oulu, Finland brings us this band called ESOM (Empire State Of Music). We’ll cap their name for good measure so there is no confusion. The guitars are loud and vocals are fem-pop. Straight-up, melodic and enjoyable music. Totally like-able compared to some of the real crap we get around here day in and day out. I don’t know anything about the climate in their town but if this music is any indication they don’t let it get them down. For us Americans this 5 piece all have weird names except for Lisa the singer. The rest of the dudes have names like Jukka and Topias. This is very chipper music yet they are got guitars that are way up in the mix. Anyway here’s their single called “Out the Door” and a video by them called “Comfort Zone”. Check it out and enjoy the happy.
RIYL: The Cranberries, B-52’s, Belly

From Melbourne Australia today we bring you a new video called “Ghosts” by indie-rock band called New Manic Spree that was shot on this desolated island of 65 people. Pretty decent tune featured people in red bandanas running from this smoke monster with weird feet and a long wicked beak. The tune itself has nice synths that bleep and carry you to this weird place. Pleasantly unsettling the kind of music you might want to watch some weird montage of animation sprawling into space with as well. You would not turn the station.
RIYL: Bloc Party,Radiohead circa King of Limbs,
by admin | Jul 16, 2013 | Jesus and Marychain, Singles
SINGLES: A new MAZZY STAR album of their’s comes out September 24th called Seasons of Your Day on September 24th their own label, Rhymes of an Hour. So there you have something to look forward to when this forsaken weather chills out. We love us Hope Sandoval.
(live,late show with David Letterman,1994)
Up next to add to the excitement the Dismemberment Plan has new one too! Listen here “Waiting“.
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