by David | Dec 2, 2015 | Single review
Singles: Here’s the latest melancholy pop single from NJ’s NADA SURF hitting us just right on the heartstrings with “Believe You’re Mine” from their coming record called You Know Who You Are to be released March 2016. The lyrics are right out of twitter crush timeline romance and fall right in line in that spot you love and care about in the better parts of alternative rock makers. Co-produced by our good vibes pal and squirrel master knob twister Mr. Tom Beaujour at his studio the Nuthouse Recording in Hoboken NJ. This is Mathew Caws’s 7th Nada Surf record with the boys and includes the additional guitar strumming of Mr. Doug Gillard who has been touring with them for the past few years.
Ira Elliot their drummer described including Doug as as a full fledged member as fulfilling their destiny to become The Pretenders of their generation.
He went on to mention:
It also features the legendary Joe McGinty (Psychedelic Furs, Ramones, Ronnie Spector, Losers Lounge, Sid Gold’s Request Room) on keyboards, the equally legendary Ken Stringfellow (Posies, Big Star) gave us some angelic walls of sighing harmonies (as on the single below) to say nothing of the incredible Martin Wenk (Calexico) who supplied some of his signature horn arrangements. We’re very lucky to have such talented friends at our disposal
We’ll let the single do the rest of the talking.
Give this some FB love and like this.
by David | Aug 28, 2014 | Single review

SINGLE REVIEW: “Summer Road” is a great closer for the Summer of 2014. Fuck, so much ear-candy on this song. He of course has fucking phasers on the drums. Classic Claude move – smoother than a brazillian waxing with plenty of guitar dueling solo action. Nothing brown about this song and a good teaser from his third album Laughing Hearts which we’ve been looking forward to for years. Claude Coleman Jr is of course the former Ween drummer and our brother from another mother. We met him in New Brunswick so many moons ago and saw his band Skunk play a few times and then in various projects since. Which were quite inspirational to guitar dorks like Billy Corrigans and myself. Listen back to back to Gish by the smashing pumpkins and Last American Virgin to hear what I’m talking about. Anyway, this single should set you straight that he’s beyond influences or ahead of them. Sure you initially hear the calming vocal tones of Elvis Costello and you will also notice the delivery on this jam is relentless. Just keeps giving on every listen because the church of rock is in session people.
To put it mildly you shall be overcome with fists of glorius crunching rock on the same level of The Hold Steady. Honetly, when Amandla does the tour thing you should do yourself a favor and go out that night. We will see you there. Claude’s music is uplifting and makes me smile a whole bunch of teeth ear to ear. Band website .
RELATED: The magic of Amandla – Before Tomorrow
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by David | May 31, 2014 | 1990s, grunge, Punk Rock, Single review
Lots of heavy as shit singles and bands to watch for you today on review stalker. Keep things coming and know that we do listen and share things first on our soundcloud.

To start check out the A-side off this new 7″ from this noisy band from Queens called Dead Waves. Recorded in one take with Mr. Albini – just how he likes it. This tune has got enough stomach churning distortion to make your seizures and morning shakes feel like a good thing. PRF crew alert here this is right up your melvins encrusted alley.
EXCLUSIVE DOWNLOAD: “Oracles of the Grave” MP3 by Dead Waves
Next up is Weird Womb from NY and the A-side “Pale Piss” from their 7″ ep Ruined by the 90’s recorded at Vanancy nyc. Tighter than mudhoney with Henry Rollins style singing. Maybe a little more on the Guy Picciotto style in the vocal department when i think about all the tracks. This is more punk than 90’s grunge in southern California Wasted Youth kind of way. You can order the 7″ WEIRDWOMB.COM.

Check out the grinding grunge off of the Bay Area’s post-punks Street Eaters. Here’s a track from their upcoming release Blood::Muscles::Bones on Nervous Intent Records. The 1st track reverse tracks from this coming record starts off like Hüsker Dü’s Dreams Reoccurring off of Zen Arcade then it goes strongly forward. Female fronted vocals which reminds us of Amanda Black Wine(Don Giovani).
On tour now doing all of North America so be brave and indulge yourself and check them out live they will be on the East Coast in July! Full date listing on
MP3 Bonus:Dreams Reoccurring by Hüsker Dü
These next guys called Hive Bent – reminds me of a version of Battles meets No Age. Really all there is to say. Check them out pretty big sounds for what sounds like drums and super sonically heavily distored bass. Sure to break a bass string near you or at least your punk hymen. Whatever comes first.
Follow us on Twitters and be sure to share the love you facehookers on the button link below. Thanks!
by Paul Haley | Feb 14, 2014 | Free Mp3s, Music Scenes, Single review

SINGLE REVIEW: Made Violent – Buffalo is your typical sleepy, usually cloudy, upstate NY blue collar type of city and was once my old stomping ground, when I attended SUNY Buffalo in the early to mid-90s. No, not “Buff State”, where besides some cool friends, Fugazi and Quicksand played once, and oh yeah, the Chili Peppers actually played a show in a classroom and being steps away from the coolest record store on the planet (Home of the Hits-RIP) were the only things going for it. And no, not UB’s sterile, Greek-infested North Campus. Classes? yes! Live? Fuck no…
Us cool cats lived in University Heights, an eerily quiet neighborhood near UB’s South campus where many working families lived but never seen. Rent was dirt cheap and the houses were this close to being condemned. We were dirt poor, but said “fuck it anyways” and lived on booze/pot, 4/$1 mac-n-cheese and 5/$1 packages of Ramen Noodles when on sale at Tops.
It was a time my wife’s boyfriend bar-tended with Johnny “Goo” “and Nevermind” was righteously ripping the music world a new one (buying my own copy with 100% financial aid funding). It was a time when the school’s entertainment section of the newspaper (Prodigal Sun) discreetly revealed where that weekend’s loft/house parties were and what bands were playing because a party without at least 3 bands simply did not happen. Bands like my housemates in Every Thirteen Days and Kindergarten and Tugboat Annie, and Spavid were playing constantly and Cash Cow Records were pumping out 7 inches at breakneck speed (all RIP). “Larger” acts like Versus and even Rochester’ power pop darling’s Muler (thankfully, still alive and kicking)made a couple of road trips the City of Good Neighbors. And despite the Goo’s starting to wear leather pants and, to our collective dismay, declaring on MTV’s 120 Minutes (RIP) that one didn’t exist, Buffalo DID have a kick ass music scene at that time.
But does it now?
So judging from above, you might think you are going to have to seriously impress the fuck out of me, especially if you are a Buffalo band twenty years on. Ummm yeah, but then I was recently introduced to Made Violent. 3 young lads sporting the 90’s look (flannels and Westerberg-ish, moppy hair) but not necessarily the sound. “Doolittle” and “Spiderland”aspirations of the past century has given away to a confident, robust, updated Strokey sound. I could easily say “eh, already heard…next…” but their songs “Inside Out” and “Wasted Days” caught my attention, made my head bob, my foot tap, and “liking” their Facebook page.
DOWNLOAD: Made Violent Inside Out MP3 – Single
If Made Violent is what is currently going on in the Queen City, sun rays have broken through those usually pesky clouds and hopefully will shine down for quite some time…
RIYL: Made Violent is totally recommended if you like any of the bands below…
Tugboat Annie – You Want It To Be Bad MP3 from Superfriends* (1997) As great a pop band as Nada Surf IMHO
Every Thirteen Days – Bride Stripped Bare MP3 from E’Tant Donne’s(1994)
Kindergarten – Here Don’t Eat Our Friends from Iphigenia (1995)
Muler – Suite Marine MP3 from Hope You Found a Home
Spavid– She Uses It For Bird Poison MP3 s/t (1997) – This totally sounds like later era fugazi.
Free Singles + MP3s by Pedal Distorsionador, Arc Rev One, Martin Van Ruin, Saintseneca, Emil and Caroline
7″ Review: Don’t let this name fool you. Vomitface are awesome.
LA Music Scene: criminal hygiene withdrawn 7″ review
by Chris Uhl | Sep 26, 2013 | Single review

SINGLE REVIEW: Seattle’s Robert Dale, aka Belgian Fog, wraps the ghostly apparition of Bryan Ferry into a coolly detached mist of dance floor dry ice in their ridiculously catchy, John Goodmanson-produced new single “You Drive Me To Madness.” This follow-up to the robotic bedroom synth pop of “Wait For Help” switches the Fog’s focus from late night noir to prime time light.
Meticulously composed, with pristine instrumentation and a none-too-subtle nod to the future-obsessed corner of the ’80s (the exact formula Daft Punk used to take your ears hostage this summer), ‘Madness’ slides in nicely alongside The National and TV On The Radio on $14 martini happy hour playlists. Gliding along almost too effortlessly, the suave thrust of ‘Madness’ leaves the distinct impression that the Fog, for now at least, are a 1-man show given the single’s uniformity of vision and execution. The instrumentation meshes and co-mingles as if all from the same seed.
While so many similarly-minded new(est) wave synth bands reduce themselves to well-dressed mannequins, drowning in their own monotonous detachment, Dale’s warm falsetto quiver gives human weight to the clinically precise, sleek new car shininess.
Another worthy entry into an already fertile field of artists genre and era-hopping through their laptops to make the old sound new again.
-Christian Uhl
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by admin | Jul 12, 2013 | 7 Inch, Obits, Single review

SINGLE REVIEWS: Fuck, I know it was Bon Scott’s Birthday the other day but Rick’s voice is sounding a little blown out like he’s just had to many smokes or he’s on the whiskey. It’s a really gritty throbbing song and love it that way so we’re sincerely looking forward to Bed & Bugs (subpop) coming out on Sept 10th. This is quality rocknroll and just when you think it’s done it comes right back at ya! Long time coming…
DOWNLOAD: Taste the Diff MP3 by Obits

Next up are Those Foreign Kids doming something special from Oslo Norway with a song called “Get Eaten” because we think you’re special. It’s a little punky like early Alice Donut or the soundtrack to the movie repo man/em>. You know like that is a fucking thing? It’s distant and big like it was recorded in a huge hall with tiny microphones. This is the First single off their upcoming debut album called Zero Gravity Somersaulting Craze coming out this fall on Geertruida: Enjoy.
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Single Review: We Are Scientists “Something About you”
Single Review: When I’m Dead by The Dead Heads
by admin | Jul 10, 2013 | Alternative Rock, Single review

MUSIC REVIEW: oh this band… Lots of harmonies and nice guitar with subtle touches alla Johnny Marr; are what is We Are Scientists. This new A-Side is strictly for indie pop fans. “Something About You” is coming out on heavy 7″ wax via 100% Records and it sounds the most like Death Cab for Cutie to us. It’s the tenor of the versus that on first spin this is made clear. 2nd listen you hear all the little stuff that makes them cool. In particular off the album Change I guess. Granted there are only 3 chords in most recorded rock music and so many notes you still can’t help but dig their sense of happy song. You know if Nada Surf were ever happy about a potential relationship or Gedge were not a pompous ass you would get music like these guys make. It’s not shout out for Glee happy with rainbows shooting out of your ass. The vibe does make think a little bit of when your girl was blowing bubbles at you. That feeling – you know happy. Not sure about the B-Side on this one. So can’t tell you anything except it’s called “Let Me Win”.
While the band works out the details for their next release they are giving you this. Bassist Chris Cain mentions in the press release:
“The new album’s finished, but we’re taking our time setting up the release, and we wanted to get something new to fans on the sooner side.”
“I guess ‘charity single’ is the wrong word for this,” said singer Keith Murray, “since none of the money generated will go to a good cause. But in the sense that we did this because we knew some of the fans desperately, desperately needed it — in that sense, yeah, it’s a charity single.”
Non US Shows:
20th July – Super Bock Super Rock Festival, Meco, Portugal
22nd July – Thekla, Bristol – SOLD OUT
23rd July – Wedgewood Rooms, Portmsouth – SOLD OUT
25th July – XOYO, London – SOLD OUT
26th July – Club NME, Koko, London
27th July – Kasbah, Coventry
29th July – Oran Mor, Glasgow – SOLD OUT
30th July – Gorilla, Manchester – SOLD OUT
31st July – 53 Degrees, Preston
2nd Aug – Indiependence Festival, Cork, Ireland
3rd Aug – Limelight, Belfast
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by admin | May 19, 2013 | Shoegazer, Single review

SINGLE REVIEW: If godflesh were 50% a little mellower and Air a little more agressive that is where this electric jam by Sleep Sleep falls comfortably with a mix with the spacial sounds of the flaming lips in mind. You could it shoegaze but the drum machine will tell you fuck no — that is not exactly right. Then you hear this Smog cover of “Teenage Spaceship” and you’ll start to get it. I hope it comes with a big light show. I hope they have a drummer live but either way this is the good shit from Vienna Austria. Somehow 3leep 3leep have jumped out a delorean fueled by 80s electronica Time machine and landed in 2013.
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by Trevor Hahn | Apr 22, 2013 | Single review
SINGLE REVIEW: This song floored me like a blast in the face from a whip-it. Really. Made me feel pretty lazy as a musician, ‘cuz these dudes have some serious chops. You can safely call Relaxer progressive, as they are one of the more forward moving bands going right now, and it is really no suprise to me, as most of the bands that have come and gone in the Akron music scene were, and are WAY ahead of their time.
One thing I especially dig about this jam is the fact that the songwriting and the song do not suffer from the fact that there is so much going on sonically, and to me, that is a difficult feat to achieve in the prog genre. Everything works together so well, and really gels, and just made this a really awesome song to listen to first thing this morning. -TH
Listen Here:
by Trevor Hahn | Apr 18, 2013 | grunge, Single review, Stoner Rock

SINGLE REVIEW: The first song I listened to this morning was the new single “When I’m Dead” by the Aussie band, The Dead Heads. It was a good way to wake up.
I’ve heard writers using words like “grunge” and other lazy descriptors that might pigeon-hole these guys and turn people away initially. Don’t buy into it. There is so much more than that going on here with this single. It is a sonically brilliant, minimal pop-gem capturing a vibe that lays somewhere between bands like WAAVES and NO AGE – a refined mix of dissonance and melody: a good pop song, and the perfect amount of noise.
Give this jam a spin, It is good sunny day music. -TH
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