by admin | Jun 19, 2009 | Baxter, free Mp3, NJ, Seven Inch Friday, Unsane
Seven Inch Friday: Noise pollution sometimes can be seen as good thing. The east coast was fortunate to have plenty of bands stricken with the need to play fast and loud with the vocals and melody playing a backseat. Enter the Toms River New Jersey band Baxter and Unsane from NYC.

Although they were around for short blip in time the punk rock continuum they put out one hell of 7 inch on their own make-shift label Velocipede. Mark (vocals/Guitar) and Daneal(drums -later to play in Aviso’Hara) were the Jersey shore’s king and queen of indie. This blistering inferno of a band was known to play 4-5 sets tops and then cut the chord. Mark would later go on to form The Trans Megetti and put out a couple releases on Art Monk Construction and full length on Southern Records. Photo by your’s truly.
Baxter an accident waiting to happen Velocipede 7″
mp3 car twenty seven – Side 1
mp3 simba – Side 2
mp3 superstar

BONUS: The Trans Megetti (pictured above) mp3 – “Opposite of Techno” (Courtesy of Southern)
Now onto one of the most morose record covers I own by a band that made a interesting turn post-hardcore.

mp3 – Concrete bed A side
mp3 – El Mundo – B Side
This is probably a little tasteless considering the Cobain reference below but then again I feel this is the premise. The music of the UNSANE should scare you out of your gore. Chris Spencer(Guitar.vox) and team were big time into horror flicks and the german Glitterhouse(GR0090) label were more than willing to accommodate. Now for some this straight forward display of rock was everything the new york noise scene stood for and umbrella’d like Foetus, the Swans, Sick of it all, etc. I saw them open for Crash Worship once (more on them sometime) and the unsane just made such a awesome wall of sound. Delivered with a scalpel precision which was only to be washed out by a literal flood and fire by CW. Amazing show. I remember Allen Ginsberg’s boy punk rock lover David Greenberg cowling over them one time. I didn’t get it at first but then I was like this rocks to holy hell. Damn. Don’t expect a melody to catch you. Just let the molten guitar power grab ya which is akin to electrifying a vacuum cleaner sucking the air right out of you right to the end.

Unsane @ Wetlands NYC – More fanzeen rock scene photos up on the facebook
Past 7 Inch Fridays:
Jesus and Mary Chain vs North Elementary and Pistolero
Superconductor vs Mudhoney and George Clinton
Monster Magnet Glitterhouse seven inch
by admin | Jun 12, 2009 | 7 Inch, Jesus and Marychain, North Elementary, Pistolero, Seven Inch Friday
On this rainy seven inch Friday we have “What is the sound of somebody scraping the underbelly of a jumbo jet” which is how Ethan Stein(RIP) from Captn’ Video, WRSU’s Overnight Sensations and his New Brunswick NJ band Leather Studded Diaphram(LSD) once described The Jesus and Mary Chain to me and I’ve been quoting him ever since because he was so damn right. More on him later but he was always good for long music chats till his unfortunate self destruction. This one goes out to you my friend.

This is, from I can tell, the first jesus and marychain release that came out in oh god 1981? I need to get a loop out to actually read the 7″ label but I’m going with it till somebody corrects me. This was later to be followed up with the must have PSYHCOCANDY full length debut by JAMC. I discovered them in highschool before going to college and it was one of those life changing bands that basically broke a lot of sonic rules and were a perfect companion to Day Dream Nation and New Day Rising as those type of get-up and go or go to bed and smoke pot records(either way worked). Anyway, this has got all the killer feedback that can make you want to stick a fork in your ears in order to scratch inside the part of your skull. You eventually get used to it when chorus parts kick-in. Enjoy.
A Side: Upside Down – BUY JAMC
b Side: Vegetable Man(Sid Barret cover)

Before school lets out we bring you North Elementary a hook filled indie rock band from Chapel Hill NC who has a new full length out called Not For Everyone, Just For You on Eskimo Kiss records. NE remind me of grandaddy meets the big rock of Blue Tip in a can filled with dreamy lyrics and reverb. As a limited edition promotion you can get a split 7″ with their friends Pistolero from Atlanta which reminds me of the warmers/cloud cult mixed with something hooky and smartly mod. Dig it. If you don’t have a record player just go to their site as they are giving you the tracks (oh hell linked below for your convenience) for free of course. I love the split tradition. I wish more bands did this more often but it totally helps if the songs are good and herein is the case. Thanks. Keep them coming!
EndlessSummer (NE covers Pistolero) – Great song. Dig the big oasis type bass groove, which then picks up in to this awesome live lou reed jam circa rockn’roll animal machine.
Fuzzy TV Delay (pistolero covers NE) Big drum beat and keys layered in a hand clapping pastiche of what is a minimalist nation of Ulysses style all their own.
by admin | Jun 5, 2009 | 7 Inch, Boner Records, Free Mp3s, Scratch Records, Seven Inch Friday, Superconductor
Throwing a couple things at ya this on 7″ Friday from the grunge and funk variety.
First up is a group called Superconductor from Vancouver, B.C. Canada that featured 10 freakin’ band members at times that came out on Scratch and boner Records (catalog number BR30) out of California (same label as the Melvins) in the very early 90’s. On this release they had (7) seven guitar players, (2) two bass players and (1) one drummer nicknamed on the 45 as follows: Dream Whip (G), It’s on You (G), Thighmaster(B), He who is named (G/V), Flying Fist(G), Noise Annoys(G), El Impacto (D,V,bontempi), Sweet Bitch (B), Alan Smithee(G) and Delicious Warm on (G). This particular release was called Heavy With Puppy, produced by Don Gordon and band, engineered by Ken Marshall in Nov of 1991. The photo above is by Mike Ledwidge and group photo below by Mark Critchley from the inside cover. Now I suppose you’re going to find out what this sounds like if like loud raunchy guitar music. I was always impressed how tightly they could play together and not sound like a washed out mess. Then again I never got an opportunity to see them live but always enjoyed their releases when I could find them. Enjoy the noise man.

Mp3 – This side: Bushpilot – Superconductor
Mp3 – Baby Side: Satori Part One – Superconductor
Printed on baby side it says “Smoking during pregnancy can harm the baby”
The bonus for today is a cover of “Pump It Up”(Elvis Costello Cover) by Mudhoney that was a 7” promo for the movie PCU. The flip is George Clinton doing a track call “Stomp”. Fun stuff. Enough said.
Mp3 – Pump it up (cover) – Mudhoney
Mp3 – Stomp – George Clinton
by admin | May 29, 2009 | 7 Inch, free Mp3, grunge, Monster Magnet, Seven Inch Friday

Welcome to 7 inch Friday. I really miss picking up releases in this format so I’m going to be recycling some for you here every once in awhile. This week we bring you a early release from Monster Magnet on Primo Spree which was “distributed” by Caroline records. I picked this up a long time ago at Vintage Vinyl Records in Fords NJ on translucent green vinyl. I think it’s a collectors item because it was not released by the band officially. Who knows what the story is maybe somebody can enlighten us heh? The record that followed for me as thee glue sniffing grunge drug rock album was Spine of God that came out on vinyl on the Beverungen, Germany Glitterhouse label and then I was hooked. Soundgarden was also fave and then Nirvana got bigger and overshadowed the whole scene and then it was over just like that. Catch Monster Magnet live if you can. Dave Wyndorf still rocks friend him on facebook.
Download and nod off:
A Side: Murder
B Side: Tractor
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