Little Giant power pop of The Bigger Lovers
MUSIC REVIEW:It’s been 7 Years since The Bigger Lovers haunted a stage and about 10 years since their debut How I Learned to Stop Worrying came out. In celebration you can order a 500 limited edition pressing of this 2001 release. I think we need to check the math but regardless here’s a fresh Little Giant Maxi Single from them. Their follow-up Honey in the Hive also delivered succinct pop songs any girl would fall for like a bushel of un-thorned roses. I go back a little with these guys over the year. Bret Tobias used to play drums in Moped & Sonny Sixkiller and were label mates of Aviso’Hara; as was Scott Jefferson the bassplayer who’s solo work was also on the same label with the Diane Linkletter Experience (Vital Cog Records)- We were a little family of indie bands. Before that Scott was also in Gerrymander Bob who also used to play with Aviso’ waaaaaaaaay back in the Brighton Bar days before grunge and music broke (pre-interwebs). Regardless these guys have been working on their pop music craft for some time and it’s super awesome to hear some material and a show coming out of the woodwork March 12th at John & Brenda’s. This is good for the Philly music scene.If you dig early Costello, Big Star, Posies and your usual poptopia suspects you can put the Lovers right in the line-up. Their soaring guitars and sweeping vocal stylings drift you to different places like Peter Pan in the night could in theory make-up lines like “classic school girls and circus clowns”. A little dream pop never hurt anybody it’s a good thing they found some magic in the basement. The opener “Talon Show” is a acoustic ditty that is sweet as much as it is a vicious little love song. The regular mix of “Little Giant” is destined to some commercial placement that has the potential to bring these guys out of obscurity. It’s a pollination of Pernice Brothers and The Shins but somehow the song craft is all their own. Don’t get fooled by the “Walk This Way” beat as it takes a life of it’s own with this Haircut 100 feel. The thing is about guitar pop music; by it’s very nature it can’t exist on it’s own as it lives in a fishbowl that all these cats keep pawing at, trying to tip the water but the illusivenes little buggers are fast and ever changing colors. We’re happy to just listen and stare to the action over and over again as these songs are like charms on your high-school sweetheart’s wrist you can treasure for another 10 years!
Check them out live at their last farewell show in 2005
The Pop Sounds of The Big Bigger Lovers:
You, You, You MP3 from This Affair Never Happened… (2004) [BUY]
A Simple How Are You_ MP3 from Honey In The Hive (2002) [Buy]
Little Giant (Dub Goddess Version) MP3 from the Maxi Single (2011) [BUY IT!] 5 songs $4.00.
Misuser MP3 By Gerrymander Bob from Meat Town Shimmy Disc (1993)
Never Gonna Tell MP3 by Diane Linkletter Experience from too hard to DISGUISE Vital Cog Records (2000) Recorded by Brad Morrison
Halo MP3 By Sonny Sixkiller from this is your heaven. Features Bret on drums and songstress Kara Lafty guitar/vocals (Vital Cog 2000)
Sounds Like:
Love Plus One MP3 by Haircut 100 from Pelican West (1982)
One by One All Day MP3 by The Shins from Oh, Inverted World (2001) [BUY]
There Goes The Sun MP3 By Pernice Brothers from Discover a Lovelier You (2005) [Buy]
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