by admin | Jul 12, 2013 | 7 Inch, Obits, Single review

SINGLE REVIEWS: Fuck, I know it was Bon Scott’s Birthday the other day but Rick’s voice is sounding a little blown out like he’s just had to many smokes or he’s on the whiskey. It’s a really gritty throbbing song and love it that way so we’re sincerely looking forward to Bed & Bugs (subpop) coming out on Sept 10th. This is quality rocknroll and just when you think it’s done it comes right back at ya! Long time coming…
DOWNLOAD: Taste the Diff MP3 by Obits

Next up are Those Foreign Kids doming something special from Oslo Norway with a song called “Get Eaten” because we think you’re special. It’s a little punky like early Alice Donut or the soundtrack to the movie repo man/em>. You know like that is a fucking thing? It’s distant and big like it was recorded in a huge hall with tiny microphones. This is the First single off their upcoming debut album called Zero Gravity Somersaulting Craze coming out this fall on Geertruida: Enjoy.
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Repo Man best sci-punk rock movie ever
The Night Marchers + Obits = Pure RockNRoll
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by admin | Jul 10, 2010 | Obits, The Night Marchers, WJ and The Sweet Sacrifice

Just when you thought you were an orphaned child The Night Marchers and Obits decide to tour together in California. Don’t feel like you’re left out completely it’s actually a no brainer for them I would imagine. The Marchers will be on the East Coast for two shows shows: Siren fest 7/17 and Maxwells 7/18 w/ No Pasaran!(Obits plays the waterfront same day – so you’ll have to make yer choice), the rest happens in swami territory and then they are off to Europe this fall. Which sucks. Would have been great to see them all together here in the tri-state area. Maybe when they get back.
Cram your device with these tracks:
Evil of Idle Hands – MP3 – WJ & The Sweet Sacrifice – All parts rock~n~roll in this handy. Channeling the dirgy upper lip of Elvis and the slow rock of Eddie Spaghetti. Jersey style.
Widow of My Dreams (live Cake Shop nyc 1.12.08) – Obits – I was at this debut show, as uncool as I am; I have no clue who recorded this but some say the whole bootleg sounds better than the subpop release. Which I can appreciate being a fan of good boots so somebody please share the rest of the g*ddawg show with me. Fuckers. Thank you!
I Wanna Deadbeat You – The Night Marchers – This track in particular with the combo of Reis, Wood and Kourkounis is as close to a Hot Snakes reunion you are going to get unless on the West Coast tour they do some sort of encores together. Giving you a buy 2 get 1 free deal. Lets see what happens but lets not hold in the bong hit too long or you will choke.

History is written:
John Reis Vs. Rick Froberg HA!
by admin | May 15, 2009 | Free Mp3s, Hot Snakes, Noise Rock, Obits, The Night Marchers

John Reis and Rick Froberg still make music that sounds like Rocket from the Crypt,
Drive Like Jehu and or the Hot Snakes. You can put them on different coasts but the proof is in the surf and genetic make-up of their output these San Diego punks. Even after Hot Snake’s demise they both somehow influence each other and carry on the flame with honor and make some dawg gone original music. To claim they are not influential to a whole generation of indie rockers and rabid alternative rock music fans would be as criminal as saying Van Halen was not influential to heavy hair metal or green day was to pop-punk bands(lame metaphors I know). What I dare (if you are a nerd you probably did this months ago) you to do is to put them all in a mix and hit shuffle. I haven’t tried to count them but easily there is a whole coffin of songs that all could be from the same box-set from their high-school band Pitchfork to their new projects. Obits and The Night Marchers respectfully all sound the same just a different era in their creativity. In this case splitsville. Like the inner fugazi argument, I couldn’t tell ya off the cuff what is a Ian Mccaye song and which is a Guy P song. Sure I can guess who is singing but its the sort of team make-up compliment each other for the sake of the music they make and players that jam with them. What’s cool to hear and understand in the research how influential SST was to these guys. Funny band rebuttal from Obits to a mp3 blogger here on 17dots.
Sample some San Diego bread rock:
Rana by Pitchfork from Eucalyptus / Saturn Outhouse
Chariots on Fine By Rocket From The Crypt from All Systems Go 3
Golden Brown by Drive like Jehu from Yank Crime
Hi-Lites by Hot Snakes from Thunder Down Under
Widow Of My Dreams by Obits(Rick Froberg) from I Blame You
Bad Bloods by The Night Marchers (John Reis) from See you in Magic
Can you dig it man? I realize I’m leaving out some other side projects and crap so don’t get your panties in a bunch. If this is stuff is new to you and you dig the sounds of what a rock band is supposed to sounds like cool. Go buy some of their shit. Subscribe to the DJ Spork podcast where we bring stuff like this to your ear holes.
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