by admin | Aug 27, 2008 | Free Mp3s, New Brunswick, NJ, Record Review

The strict state of rock is always trying to re-invent the storyline where the county lines have been defined for quite some time. To get your six string on and give it something new is as hard as making new octave chords out of the three that exist. The first three tracks on this record totally sound like the timber of Springsteen and music of some Southern Californian band holed up in the same apartment for a few years. The advantage for new bands is there are so many recent tenets who have come before in literature or Music who are the hometown mayors and pioneers as Bruce is to Asbury, as alliteration is to Tom Robbins and well punk is to the power chord. The good news is there are plenty of people to borrow from and bads news it just hard to be truly original. When you boil it down; the references are easy to hear if your record collection goes deep down to the marrow. Making the twists and turns your own from the scene around you is the trick and this is what they seem to do. The 59 Sound by The Gaslight Anthem is transparent and derivative for somebody like me but brand new for the next generation of music lovers. For execution style and in the singing at audience dept they deliver on just about the same plain as classic rock of The Hold Steady and best that Jersey has to offer these days. Real stuff exists in these lyrics and only gets into trouble from my pov when they try to be too accessible and take the first exit off the turnpike. They don’t break too many rock rules too much; borrowing from pop-culture but hey who am I to complain. I keep playing the record and listening so they are doing their job right. I am not bored and enjoy catching the bits and pieces of other songs I like so all is good here fellers. Fallon’s band rocks. 3+ thumbs up. Check them out on Emusic | Download The Backseat | The ’59 Sound
Other great New Jersey Bands you should be aware of:
Aviso’Hara – Sonic youth and flaming lips inspired – | Emusic
Boss Jim Gettys – Big rock alla Nirvana and Green Day but snazzier – Zoommoozik
Eastern Anchors – Trail of dead with Hum peppered inside –
The Slow Wire – Pixies mixed with some GBV goes along way – Last.Fm
There are a lot more.
by admin | Aug 19, 2008 | Live Concert, Music News, NJ
We are a couple weeks away from the anual Union County Music Fest in NJ. This year’s show has a couple local bands actually from Jersey who are not interantional super stars including Val Emmich and The Roadside Graves. The big headliners are Everclear and cracker on Fri 9/5 and The B52’s and Gin Blossoms On Sat 9/6. For the kids Saturday at 11Am is Dan Zanes! Very cool. Last years show was pretty good with Fountains of Wayne and the addition of a beer garden. Bring your own food and cooler with mixed drinks to save a few bucks. The kids area was really fun last year and I can’t wait to let my daughter run around.
by admin | Jul 31, 2008 | Free Mp3s, Mr. Thumb, New Brunswick, NJ, Trax East
It has been a long time since I have had this cassette kicking around, and I am sure Jhon Thumb has a better version somewhere of these tunes but the other day I took the time to post 7 tunes by the New Brunswick, NJ band Mr. Thumb on The band played with Barkmarket, Nude Swirl, Mule, and whole bunch of other nameless national acts. The music can best be described as classic prog grunge. I would start with
Flowers Are not Evil
and work my way back-up. Enjoy!
Former drummer Alum included: Ken Devoe, Gregor, Dave Rosenberg(aka D Crayola from Deadguy/Lifetime/Transiliva) and bunch of other dudes I can’t remember their names- about 3 others. You know who you are.
Former singers: Bil Weis (trax east album) and Karl Munzel (This time it is gonna fuckin’ hurt ep)
Bass: Yours truly D Buzz
Guitar/vox: Jhon Thumb
In other blogosphere news:
There are some eastern anchors trax posted on MS which were recently recorded at Moonlight Mile in Hoboken. The anchors are also slated to play a free show at Maxwells Sat Aug 30th w/ Brooklyn’s Ff, Stuyvesant and No Pasaran! Rock.
by admin | Jun 24, 2008 | Acid Test, Asbury Park, Butthole Surfers, live show, NJ, Rock Show

Mommy why is daddy insane? What is acid like? Who is Gibby and Timmy? Why are they playing in New Jersey at Asbury Lanes tonight? Can I go with Dadddy? What do the butthole surfers sounds like live circa 1988!? What’s wrong with the brown acid? How come the other kids don’t have tails like mine?
by admin | Apr 27, 2008 | Basement Scene, Hub City, Jersey Beat, New Brunswick, NJ, Zines

I am glad to report the basement scene is alive and well in the Hub City of New Brunswick, NJ APRIL 25, 26, & 27, 2008. When Jim Testa emailed a few weeks ago asking me to comment on basement life in the 90’s and some memorable moments i wrote some down and forgot about it until he sent me link of his latest Jersey Beat podcast episode #54 that on listen really took me back. Features infamous bands like: Pleased Youth, P.E.D.,The Blisters and Deadguy among others. I then realized this was a part of something bigger and I got really excited to hear there were three days of weekend shows going on in alternative venues like a yoga studio! Man have times changed. Now, all the bands in his podcast are not playing but he really documented almost two decades worth of music. That is right New Brunswick has been a scene like any other that ebbs and flows in and out of clubs and basements and tail of the cast high-lights band who are playing The Screaming Females, Rapid Cities,full of fancy, and for science; all keeping the torch alive. The New Jersey suburban youth gets it and I can’t wait to read the special edition of the Hub City Fanzine. I’m amazed somebody printed something and it is not a lazy web zine. Very cool. I may need somebody to hook me up with a copy or since it is Sunday I’ll take baby girl on a little road trip this afternoon to curmudgeon records.Life goes on and remember to support your scene outside the scene.
by admin | Apr 15, 2008 | Indie Rock, NJ, Prosolar Mechanics, Single review

Damn this track is great in so many ways and in particular if the dark parts of neurosis are you thing or basic space travel. If I had to explain to aliens what i thought their music sounded like i would send them this song. Get your free mp3 of “primer” by Prosolar Mechanic’s last song of the month series and other nuggets over at and see for yourself. Heavily influenced by radiohead and an overdose of bleeding layers of guitar music, distorted drums and alla sonic youth.
by admin | Mar 28, 2008 | Alternative Rock, Brighton Bar, Eastern Anchors, Indie Rock, live show, NJ
The Eastern Anchors have been planning this day for awhile, countless hours of drinking beer at practice, breaking strings, smoking breaks. Walter Verde even joined the Glass Trees for a week so he could go to SXSW; but like the good indie rock celebrity he is he took the time do an interview to promote the first show of the year for the Asbury Park press. Read the Eastern Anchors interview Making Some Noise. The article almost 100% accurate. Album is in the works but probably won’t be out for at least a couple months and is as of yet untitled.
Eastern Anchors
w/ Bald Guy Black Suit (featuring morgan and brian) 10pm
Sat 3/29
Brighton Bar
long branch, nj the home of Jacko one of the oldest bearded punks with pirate breath. Also on the bill are The Thieves of Leviticus and Dose.
by admin | Nov 9, 2007 | free Mp3, Music reviews, NJ, Pyschic Fair
Before the un-official Westfield Highschool 87 reunion (showing my age here badly) Headphone Music recordings has posted a bunch of Free MP3 you can download off a double album for one of its early bands Psychic Fair on called Mo’Wine and Psychotic Reactions, which includes studio tracks recorded in the New Hope area in some backwoods 16 track and live tracks from shows at the First Unitarian Church of Plainfield. If you are the type that loves raw punk with a little polish towards the Decendents, weirdos, bauhous guitars and what would be political nods to saying no to drugs (Viva! Nancy Reagan!) or references to NJ with a tracked called “Cancer Alley”. Then you should quite enjoy this released cassette only release on mp3.
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