by David | Apr 22, 2014 | Electronic Music, Music Fest

Honestly, I think I could tell you only one band that played Coachella this Spring Break and it was The Replacements who got a lot of cash to play songs from the 90’s. I can’t imagine one kid under 40 30 knew a single tune unless they brought their parents with them. I know this because my friend Andy posted a photo of them. He was actually working the event bringing grilled cheeses to the masses (probably) working 14 hour days having fun watching all the “space cadets”.
I totally had forgotten about this music festival and since I’m a real music fans I was just waiting to find my domestic break during the day so I could race to the nearest record store on Record Store Day. Sorry your loss kids but I don’t think you care about collecting records at all. I’m pretty sure CHVCHRES had a select release and bunch of other groups playing the event but none of them will own a physical copy. Their cool friends who actually like music might though. Twitter also reminded me of all the fun. I saw lots of ass photos (#ASSCHELLA) on the Vice blog called Noisy and useless articles about what people were wearing or not wearing, the different type of freaks, bro gangs and what the bitches were going to see. I have no idea who Haim is and apparently Pharrell is still wearing the same dumb hat even in that 96 degree heat.

I kind of liked it when all those kids went down to Florida or Mexico and they didn’t really make a mess of music festivals. Drank the light beer and twerked before it was a thing. The line-ups are all over the place and not that I’m organizing freak with my sub-genres or anything but Coachella is a mess of a “music festival”. I am glad nobody died like at SXSW this past year in Austin (that I heard of) smashing their car drunk into people –that was horrible. The masses of suckers going to these bloated events pay the really high-ticket prices more than likely because their parents forked over the dough. Not sure anybody noticed but the cost of entry goes up every year even as it’s off set by brands buying their way into the youth market. But alas this is some college kid’s Woodstock or Lollapalooza except they mostly listen to EDM (Electronic Dance Music). I totally have a problem with EDM. Hate me but there are no lyrics to most of the tunes right? It’s fabricated music unlike classic hip-hop which I have the most respect for. You’ll never be able tell me I really love it when they click play during that part and mix in this other part and we all jump up and down. You know with the keyboard thing? Impossible to describe and I suppose something you must experience completely live as you jump to the thumping in unison. Unlike if I say two simple words like “Jane Says” –You will probably sing the whole song from start to finish. See what I mean?
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I love T&A hanging out of frayed denim shorts as much as the next straight guy but music needs substance. At the same time I know the general youth consumer needs to be entertained. Millennials get bored way to quickly these days. Truth be told through lies; it’s more fun to watch them make asses of them themselves from the side because that tattoo they got will need to be covered one day and I hear they have better drugs that we did in the 90’s. Hell even Burning Man has it’s own zip code(89412)! The more you know.
What was your experience at Coachella, pitchfork or SXSW etc? Lets us know in the comments and like this article on facebook!
by admin | Aug 29, 2010 | Jesse Malin. The Zombies, Music Fest, NJ, Spoon
Lots of great bands playing the Union Country Music Festival this year in 2010. Nice mix of headliners like Spoon and supporting bands playing the stages like: The Zombies, Ok Go!, Jesse Malin, Soul Asylum, Suzanne Vega with bands starting Weds Sept 8th through Sunday Sept 12th. Oh did I mention the entertainments is FREE!? Another reason why Jersey is becoming cooler every year. Not that you had to tell me that but just in case you want to road trip it for the day. The fest usually has decent vendor provided food and recently has added a beer garden and lots of stuff for the kids to do. So great reason to burn in the sun in Oak Ridge Park, in Clark NJ.
Track a couple tracks from the bands that are playing:
Queen Of The Underworld by Jesse Malin. This is a older track from the glam punker you might know jesse from D Generation days. Matured into something influenced by The Rolling Stones and cleaner P.Westerberg jams.
The Way We Get by from Spoon’s awesome Kill the Moonlight album. If you get anything before their new one Transference get that one then back-fill. All great records.
The Zombies live on the BBC 1965-66: I found these live radio tracks a year or so ago out in the blogosphere so enjoy them. The songs have little radio bits with the band being interviewed and telling funny little stories about young fan girls chasing them down in hotels. Remember this was on the eve of Beatlemania. They could have been bigger than Ringo, John, Paul and George.
I Must Move
Just out of reach
When Ever You’re Ready
Will you love me tomorrow?
Sitting In The Park (1966)
by admin | Sep 7, 2008 | 2008, Live Review, Music Fest, NJ

This years Music fest in Cranford NJ put on by the County Freeholders and sponsored by a myriad of corporate sponsors including the love hope and strength cancer foundation was a very ambitious undertaking. Complete with two nights and three stages. Day 2 suffered from lots of excess rain from the hurricanes. I could not got go to day 1 because I was working and totally tired on Friday night but did manage to catch the first half of Day 2 before the torrents of water. We made sure to get there right after nap time first to catch Dan Zanes & Friends along with every other cool parent in the area. Former Del Fuegos guitarist has morphed into this folk rock niche without being too corny that with his real target audience being me. He played a bunch of tracks from his new album Neuvo York with lots spanish versed songs. All good btw. If you have kids and they remotely like music this performer is for you. Their set time worked out perfectly at 11 AM and then the clouds started to hint of what was to come even though Zanes tried to make it go away with some voodoo. Next up on the 3rd stage was New Brunswick’s Roadside Graves who performed after some BMX’ers. Yes, dudes doing these flips on their bikes over a large ramp. Quite impressive I must admit but sadly the crowd of kids dispersed before RG’s set. Not sure if it was their crowd and it was kind of wierd having a rock stage tucked away by bathrooms. The bands best moment was at the end when they sounded more like the Stones and less like this washed out version of Jack Johnson if there could be such a thing. I’ve seen them play better at the court tavern but alas not easy to command a festival crowd.
The highlight was Mike Peters from the Alarm playing with the NJ symphony Orchestra. Every classic Alarm song was smooth and reached a couple moving points when Mike referenced his own fight with cancer and 20 years of marriage to his wife. His voiced sounded as good as it ever has and it was great to see him perform in front of tons of dedicated old school fans in the spirit of 76′. Can’t wait till next year and hope there is no rain to spoil the show.
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