Save the good ship WFMU.ORG Holiday Marathon
This is not slacktivism, if wfmu had stock I’d own a healthy amount of shares. Just yesterday I was wearing my two-cow WFMU T-shirt and I was able to give my 91.1 foot description. “Its free form radio baby“… trust me the parents at the 3 year old’s birthday party thought I was a lunatic. Everybody shifted to the right. But for those of you inclined to flip to the left of the dial this Wednesday there is a quick end of year wfmu.org pledge drive starting at 9AM or now if you like. For every $1,000 you as a pledger can help add a helium balloon to lift the Director Ken’s lawn chair. Help blast him off into the sky. In lieu of maxing out another credit card and enable them to put some tinsel on the Marathon Chrismikah holiday tree by making a donation of any amount. So you can get your ears on into next year or field questions about your wears at kids parties.
Here’s five songs about love to help get you into the giving mood.
1) Turn On Your Love Light by Bill Black’s Combo from Michael Shelley’s Cut That Out! Vol. 2 WFMU marathon comp a great DJ Premium you can pledge towards. Trust me this is a great compilation.
2) Pink Love by Blonde Redhead from Misery Is A Butterfly.
3) Original Love by The Feelies from Crazy Rhythms.
4) I Love You [Demo] by The Velvet Underground from Loaded
5) ILoveGirlsWhoLoveRockandRoll by True Love from I Was Accident. This is best song ever written, recorded and produced on a 4-track!!.
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