Day of the dead Kristen Pfaff RIP Janitor Joe
Kristen Pfaff RIP 1967-1994: There were few bass players in the Alternative scene in the early 90’s who used distortion and in particular chick bass players who were as killer as Ms. Pfaff. Enter Kristen who died of a heroin overdose some 14 years ago in a bathtub today. Safe to say grunge got the best of her and with that an era of great music. The exact details are not known but one thing is for certain it’s fairly obvious who introduced her to the black tar of death after joining Hole. The One being a Courtney Love for whom Kristen had played with for a brief while and played bass on Live Through This. Ironic huh? A few months prior Kurt Cobain had met his demise with a shotgun and according to her obituary on myspace(no removed 4/3/14) she was hit hard by this loss and trying to get out of dodge before it got her. Sadly, this was not the case.
“You fuck my guitar player, constantly make eyes at my husband and now you’re telling me how to sing. Just don’t fuck with me because you’ll regret it forever.”
– Courtney to Kristen
RELATED: justiceforkurt.com/kristen_pfaff
As the back story goes. Mysteriously, El Duce from The Mentors also died under questionable circumstances per the documentary Courtney Killed Kurt by British documentary director Nick Broomfield. He had claimed he was offered to rid Mr. Cobain for $50,000 so she could get his money allegedly because Kurt was planning on divorcing the crazy lady. He claims he did not take her up on the offer and then 10 days later poof or so the story goes and then later El Doce ran into a train. It would seem she got somebody to do her dirty work huh?. Maybe Hoffa knows. Anyway, I love a good conspiracy and this has never been proven so who knows if time will tell the truth. Like who cares about heroin addicts right? Looking in the future to today Ms. Love is still twisted and forever (i hope) paying a penance for the evil she spreads and we hope Francis Bean gets to be normal. Her crazy train looks like something real sexy-scary these days straight out of the movie Brazil and one of her most famous song lines was one of Kristen’s. See the Janitor Joe track called “Limited edition” who’s lyrics go -“You’ve made your bed you’ll lie in it, You’ve made your bed you’ll cry in it…” Sound familiar rock fans? Her bass playing was awesome showing no mercy and was a true talent not like the blond poser killer. Enjoy the few Janitor Joe tracks posted here.
Bass tasters by Janitor Joe:
mp3 “Limited Edition” from Big Metal Bird lp
OXO Records 7″
mp3 “H’Mong Today, Hung Tomorrow” Side 1
mp3 Prone – Side 2
mp3 Big Nose Side 2
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