by admin | Jul 16, 2013 | Jesus and Marychain, Singles
SINGLES: A new MAZZY STAR album of their’s comes out September 24th called Seasons of Your Day on September 24th their own label, Rhymes of an Hour. So there you have something to look forward to when this forsaken weather chills out. We love us Hope Sandoval.
(live,late show with David Letterman,1994)
Up next to add to the excitement the Dismemberment Plan has new one too! Listen here “Waiting“.
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by admin | Jun 12, 2009 | 7 Inch, Jesus and Marychain, North Elementary, Pistolero, Seven Inch Friday
On this rainy seven inch Friday we have “What is the sound of somebody scraping the underbelly of a jumbo jet” which is how Ethan Stein(RIP) from Captn’ Video, WRSU’s Overnight Sensations and his New Brunswick NJ band Leather Studded Diaphram(LSD) once described The Jesus and Mary Chain to me and I’ve been quoting him ever since because he was so damn right. More on him later but he was always good for long music chats till his unfortunate self destruction. This one goes out to you my friend.

This is, from I can tell, the first jesus and marychain release that came out in oh god 1981? I need to get a loop out to actually read the 7″ label but I’m going with it till somebody corrects me. This was later to be followed up with the must have PSYHCOCANDY full length debut by JAMC. I discovered them in highschool before going to college and it was one of those life changing bands that basically broke a lot of sonic rules and were a perfect companion to Day Dream Nation and New Day Rising as those type of get-up and go or go to bed and smoke pot records(either way worked). Anyway, this has got all the killer feedback that can make you want to stick a fork in your ears in order to scratch inside the part of your skull. You eventually get used to it when chorus parts kick-in. Enjoy.
A Side: Upside Down – BUY JAMC
b Side: Vegetable Man(Sid Barret cover)

Before school lets out we bring you North Elementary a hook filled indie rock band from Chapel Hill NC who has a new full length out called Not For Everyone, Just For You on Eskimo Kiss records. NE remind me of grandaddy meets the big rock of Blue Tip in a can filled with dreamy lyrics and reverb. As a limited edition promotion you can get a split 7″ with their friends Pistolero from Atlanta which reminds me of the warmers/cloud cult mixed with something hooky and smartly mod. Dig it. If you don’t have a record player just go to their site as they are giving you the tracks (oh hell linked below for your convenience) for free of course. I love the split tradition. I wish more bands did this more often but it totally helps if the songs are good and herein is the case. Thanks. Keep them coming!
EndlessSummer (NE covers Pistolero) – Great song. Dig the big oasis type bass groove, which then picks up in to this awesome live lou reed jam circa rockn’roll animal machine.
Fuzzy TV Delay (pistolero covers NE) Big drum beat and keys layered in a hand clapping pastiche of what is a minimalist nation of Ulysses style all their own.
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