nosnow/noalps Indie Rock from Malta & Neuman from Peru
Good mix of punk and dash-pop reggea-ish james like Sublime from this band called nosnow/noalps. A keyboard used in a way that I cant it because the vocals are distorted and this band from Malta just plain rocks my ass. Here’s a two part rock video single. Side A is ” Go Go Go Go” and the flip which is eqaully as baddass is a song called “Black Panther” whichis about partying until you drop. My geoagraphy is bad but the scenery is beuatiful in these cobble stone streets. The video chrome-look treatment is nice as well. Very well done.
nosnow/noalps – Go Go Go Go
nosnow/noalps – Black Panther
I dont’t know much about the indie rock scene in Lima, Peru but this group Neuman two songs “Battle Starship” and “Turn it” are pretty great. We think you should give them a chance from an album called ‘If‘. A pop mix of Interpol and Mercromina from Spain.
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