by Paul Haley | Feb 14, 2014 | Free Mp3s, Music Scenes, Single review

SINGLE REVIEW: Made Violent – Buffalo is your typical sleepy, usually cloudy, upstate NY blue collar type of city and was once my old stomping ground, when I attended SUNY Buffalo in the early to mid-90s. No, not “Buff State”, where besides some cool friends, Fugazi and Quicksand played once, and oh yeah, the Chili Peppers actually played a show in a classroom and being steps away from the coolest record store on the planet (Home of the Hits-RIP) were the only things going for it. And no, not UB’s sterile, Greek-infested North Campus. Classes? yes! Live? Fuck no…
Us cool cats lived in University Heights, an eerily quiet neighborhood near UB’s South campus where many working families lived but never seen. Rent was dirt cheap and the houses were this close to being condemned. We were dirt poor, but said “fuck it anyways” and lived on booze/pot, 4/$1 mac-n-cheese and 5/$1 packages of Ramen Noodles when on sale at Tops.
It was a time my wife’s boyfriend bar-tended with Johnny “Goo” “and Nevermind” was righteously ripping the music world a new one (buying my own copy with 100% financial aid funding). It was a time when the school’s entertainment section of the newspaper (Prodigal Sun) discreetly revealed where that weekend’s loft/house parties were and what bands were playing because a party without at least 3 bands simply did not happen. Bands like my housemates in Every Thirteen Days and Kindergarten and Tugboat Annie, and Spavid were playing constantly and Cash Cow Records were pumping out 7 inches at breakneck speed (all RIP). “Larger” acts like Versus and even Rochester’ power pop darling’s Muler (thankfully, still alive and kicking)made a couple of road trips the City of Good Neighbors. And despite the Goo’s starting to wear leather pants and, to our collective dismay, declaring on MTV’s 120 Minutes (RIP) that one didn’t exist, Buffalo DID have a kick ass music scene at that time.
But does it now?
So judging from above, you might think you are going to have to seriously impress the fuck out of me, especially if you are a Buffalo band twenty years on. Ummm yeah, but then I was recently introduced to Made Violent. 3 young lads sporting the 90’s look (flannels and Westerberg-ish, moppy hair) but not necessarily the sound. “Doolittle” and “Spiderland”aspirations of the past century has given away to a confident, robust, updated Strokey sound. I could easily say “eh, already heard…next…” but their songs “Inside Out” and “Wasted Days” caught my attention, made my head bob, my foot tap, and “liking” their Facebook page.
DOWNLOAD: Made Violent Inside Out MP3 – Single
If Made Violent is what is currently going on in the Queen City, sun rays have broken through those usually pesky clouds and hopefully will shine down for quite some time…
RIYL: Made Violent is totally recommended if you like any of the bands below…
Tugboat Annie – You Want It To Be Bad MP3 from Superfriends* (1997) As great a pop band as Nada Surf IMHO
Every Thirteen Days – Bride Stripped Bare MP3 from E’Tant Donne’s(1994)
Kindergarten – Here Don’t Eat Our Friends from Iphigenia (1995)
Muler – Suite Marine MP3 from Hope You Found a Home
Spavid– She Uses It For Bird Poison MP3 s/t (1997) – This totally sounds like later era fugazi.
Free Singles + MP3s by Pedal Distorsionador, Arc Rev One, Martin Van Ruin, Saintseneca, Emil and Caroline
7″ Review: Don’t let this name fool you. Vomitface are awesome.
LA Music Scene: criminal hygiene withdrawn 7″ review
by Scott | Feb 11, 2014 | 7 Inch, Album Review, Free Mp3s, grunge

MUSIC REVIEW: Every once in awhile we ask our twitter followers if they want to review something because we can’t keep up because before you know it something good gets buried deep in the glut of email pretty quickly. Seriously it’s a big problem that you hear other blogs complain about I am sure. We’re a show of one(mostly). Anyway, we’ve had long in depth discourses about Buttnado, Fartnado and more recently barfnado in the twitterverse. Real mature shit whilst drinking beer. So when the Jersey City fuzzz trio (in NJ in case you need a map) VOMITFACE sent us their latest we aimed our buckshot into the wild interwebs. Scott raised his hand. Not knowing anything or even if it was in his wheel house. Either way this is an experiment. If you too want to try your hand please give us a shout [reviewstalker at gmail]. Either way. El Editor-in-Chief dig this. We do. Totally RIYL Mudhoney/Melvins/sloppy rock vibe and not afraid of the distortion pedal. (detail of their pedalage below) Judge for yourself. The influences feel right. Give them a tickle on the BOOKFACE.
Bandcamps/t EP by vomitface
From Scott: Not my sweet spot for music but I did listen to each song at least twice to try and be fair….
“Bill Me Later” The first 25 seconds is very Soundgarden-like and captures the listener right away. The verse then starts to sound like an amalgamation of everything 90s with a sound that made me think of an early Nirvana garage outtake. The singing was in my opinion the weakest link but I could see younger people enjoying this played live.
“Sloppy Joes” This sounded to me like a super heavy Marcy Playground type song.. good intro again and the chorus also made me think rejected Nirvana demo tapes… It has good energy and I think there’s an audience for it, that’s just what it sounded like to me.
“P.S. I Hate You” The least listenable of the three songs ventures into some sort of punk death metal territory. Not my thing but certainly a small club song for the right audience.

Pedals: ZVEX Box of Rock–> Daredevil Real Cool Fuzz –> Seymour Duncan Tweakfuzz –> TC Electronic Hall of Fame
Their Bass is run through a Fender Sub-lime and Russian Big Muff.
Sounds like:
The Wipers – Window Shop For Love MP3 from is this real?
Melvins – Oven | Vile MP3 from Ozma /Gluey Porch Treatments
Nirvana – Floyd The Barber MP3 Live Amsterdam 1991
by David | Feb 9, 2014 | Free Mp3s, Indie Rock, Industrial, Mix-Tapes
A great assortment of free mp3 for you today. We have music from Poland, Chicago and Sweden. Something for everybody here from Americana to soul crushing gothic pop all mixed up. Some of these tunes will make for that awesome mix-tape of yours that you’ve been dying to make for that hot chick or dope dude.

SINGLE: Pedal Distorsionador – Is like godflesh went all disco on you. Lots of thick noise manipulation if you can imagine. A dark looming guttural gothic voice is put in place to scare you, but you don’t scare. You love horror films. You like Leatherface or latex. You think he’s sexy and it’s the only way you get off. You’ll like this but first we must tie you up. You don’t like blood but like being constrained. You are weird. This music takes you to the edge. To that dark place down you go straight away. I think this place may be Gdynia, Poland. Facebook

Arc Rev One – On the other end of the spectrum of late nights. Which are really when the rest of us are going to work. I imagine people go and listen to music like this. Also wearing latex underneath their cloths, trippin and talking about their vampire implants. Seriously this is space sound track music for lunar spaceports. Let play in the background and it will elevate you.
DOWNLOAD: Sala Daeng MP3 from Twiggy Scratch & the Miders from Spars (2013)

Martin Van Ruin – Bob Dylan meets Neutral Milk Hotel in a mid-western bar submerged in violins and whiskey. This is a great jam. Uplifting how this type of music should be. These Chicago-ians throw it down. The rest of the release is heavy folk rock and I don’t use that term loosely because most that music is pure garbage. On other tracks with big drums laying down on a track called “Wilderness” which has well balanced backing female vocals and slides to support their slithering tempos (solid timing). Good musicians making quality Americana for the people like you and me order beers within our budget for the week. Somewhat reminds me of Los Halos.
DOWNLOAD: Gold and Love and Gin MP3 from Every Man a King.
Emil and Caroline – Make music something like Bjork, disjointed but in sync. I might even hip my daughters to this dreamy Swedish single “Singing In A Choir” because it’s not a regular type of song but you will probably hear it in the club tonight — somewhere around the world. Apparently they were singers who in their younger years were part of a black gospel choir from Camden, New Jersey. Weird Swedes. There is some sense of soul in here. Listen follow them on the facebooks.
Saintseneca – “Happy Alone”From Anti Record. Debut album Dark Arc coming on April 1. I love this video. Bubble head man stuck with his bubble head doing every day things a man with a bubble head will do. Well done. The song is good too!
More Free Singls + MP3s by: Gloom Balloon, Dead Waves, Tri-State, Futuristic Blast, Panes, Night Surgeon.
Themes: Songs about Bacon, Songs About Ghosts
Latest Interview: Meet UK Mary Kelly – Modus Operandi of gore-core
by David | Feb 7, 2014 | Album Review, Free Mp3s

Under a freeway, under the dank bar-matt, under some rock-n-z-roll plaque, is a band with their name etched on the bathroom wall who are willing to put in the man hours it takes to keep a bar open for you; in the good faith they will blast out a good cover or two, while mixing their set with this new material of theirs. Here’s three new ones from the Criminal Hygine dudes from Los Angeles. Still a little Westerbergy on it’s edges. Ruffing out a finer version of their rocknroll with some of the schlitz beer instincts of Sorry Ma’ along with a sabbath-esque guitar riff on the cut “Sold in the City”. The lead track “Withdrawn” is a drinker bar ballad with discernible chorus part amongst the story telling verses. “Bye Bye” is probably the most straight forward song they’ve released to date. The bass leads in this dancy dance number. I don’t know maybe working to appeal to the yipsters? They do a lot of residency gigs, drop kicking one fan out of the bar or in and it seems to be working for them. This is a much “tighter” band. The material runs the risk of being too clean, dare i say more mature, maybe, but I’d still have to card them. Respect to the live at the barn release they put up. Check them out live. These crackers fight for playing gigs between delivering pizza and their non-olympian skating. Order it on 7″ vinyl via Cultist Records here.
2/6: Santa Cruz – MetaVinyl w/ Cigarette Bums
2/7: San Francisco – Milk Bar w/ Cigarette Bums
2/14: Los Angeles – Origami Vinyl
2/21: Los Angeles – Bootleg Theater w/ Tropical Popsicle
3/8- 3/17: Austin – SXSW
3/20: Santa Ana – The Observatory w/ The Orwells and Twin Peaks (all ages shows)
3/21: San Diego – Che Cafe w/ The Orwells and Twin Peaks (all ages shows)
3/22: Los Angeles – The Troubadour w/ The Orwells and Twin Peaks (all ages shows)
3/23: San Francisco – Slims w/ The Orwells and Twin Peaks (all ages shows)
3/25: Seattle – Neumos w/ The Orwells and Twin Peaks (all ages shows)
3/26: Portland – Star Theater w/ The Orwells and Twin Peaks (all ages shows)
3/28: Santa Cruz – TBA
3/29: Santa Barbara – TBA
Related shit:
Debut full length Review: Criminal hygiene rearrange your record collection
DOWNLOADS: ( if you dig these you’ll like them)
Fireside – Headacher MP3
Grander – 88 Cubic Meters MP3
by David | Feb 3, 2014 | Free Mp3s, mp3 blogs

EDITORIAL: So, how does Hype Machine work? Every once in awhile somebody will ask a question on how they charted on Hypem or how does somebody get on the Hype Machine Music blog. It’s a easy question to answer so here you once you understand some pretty passionate people put this together to be best place to discovery music on the web.
First step Is you have to create user account. Either as a user who wants to participate on every day posts or as user who wants to submit a new blog to them for consideration. They looks for users who post unique content and by bloggers who or not just fly by night. In particular MP3 blogs who offer links of the file on their site like reviewstalker. On your site they provide a code snip which is a link that tells their servers to ping your site for new content. [Here is how they pick blogs] Once they do a miracle will happen. You will start to see HYPEM sending web traffic to your site! Just takes a little curiosity from a music lover. VIOLA!
DOWNLOAD: Dum Dum Girls –Evil Blooms MP3 from Too True.
Regarding charting
I will be honest, I have had not paid much attention to how charting works recently but here is how I understood it to help you. The hypem technology is such you can provide the twitter link or their direct link for people to vote your songs up, “heart”/Like them. The more users who like the tune, Re-tweet it will add points to the chart and in turn you can listen and check it out. The trick is the window is time sensitive so points go down if there is no action on a song. Really tests the limits of what it means to be viral in real time; unlike youtube for instance which counts all views. They have recently added in time machine functionality so you can see what was popular in 2012 if you wanted, or what is being tweeted about on twitter, best remixes, most popular artist and all sorts of combos. What was blogged a lot of and on and on.
This is also a user acquisition play for them so they want new users to create accounts who can vote so in turn they can have unique visitors and display their ads and traffic to them the latest from the Dum Dum Girls is available in order to make a sticky site people use.
Their site keeps track of who posts songs, how many blogs have featured a tune and turn have a real time charting system for every genre of music. It’s about sharing and discovery.
Anyway not sure if this helps explain it but idea is people who go on there have something in mind and will ultimately find it. The site historically has driven about 25% or more on average the traffic to my site. It’s gone down less lately because we have not been posting as many downloads as we used to since we also now do reviews with streams only.
There were also similar aggregator sites (RIP) and who drive traffic but not as much as hypem does or did for us. Google is taking over the albatross searches more and more replacing their once organic results with their own properties. Can you say conflict of interest? My theory is more than likely traffic is affected because of bandcamp and soundcloud being popular channels for music discovery, same as emusic and other music doing a good job editorializing music you can buy on the site. Or China is just taking over…
DOWNLOAD: Atkins, Martin’s China Dub Soundsystem – Radio China MP3 from Made in China (You know the guy from Ministry)
The cool thing still though is that hypem is about all of the independent music bloggers who take the time to write about things they dig; can all be basically found in one place. So it’s more than some random comment on individual pages no one will really see. The good news they are smart and also sniff for soundcloud and bandcamp embedding. So takes care of less DMCA notices.
Ok hope this helps you a little bit. I’m sure google and facebook will have more surprises for us this year but we’ll survive.
Best of Rock News – Shit that happened w/o Jan 27th 2014
RIP – Five Musicians who died in 2013
Eclectic Method brings you – A Brief History of Sampling
by David | Jan 28, 2014 | Free Mp3s

It would be safe to say that almost all the greatest hip hop tunes and pieces of music sampled the sound or the actual beat or a cool thing in a song from somewhere. There has been whole turn around drum beats stolen/borrowed and turned into some of the best hip-hop jams every put together. The DJ and mixmasters hard at working making their magic. In the beginning it was literally tape loops cut and put together. From The Beatles, De La Soul, Pubic Enemy and so on all the greats make this their art — much respect. Electric Method gives you a very brief history of sampling in one go all sampled together! For a LIKE they will give you a whole bunch of beats and mixtapes for free. Here’s their site with all sort of rad stuff and Enjoy!
Eclectic Method– A Brief History Of Sampling MP3
Eclectic Method & Chuck D – Outta Sight MP3 “He never had Grammy to give his granny.”
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VIDEO: DJ Red Alert Goes Bazerk – Goodbye Kiss.FM
FREE MP3’s: Your Techo Funk Soul Playlist Revisited
RIP: Gil Scott-Heron televised the revolution
by admin | Jan 23, 2014 | Electronic Music, Free Mp3s, Indie Rock, Surf Music
The listening process is painful and sometimes it’s amazing. AMAZING. We don’t like being the curmudgeon that has heard it all. We’re not a bearded music historians yipster either but when we hear music that reminds of some cool things from the past and has a actual hook. Meaning a discernable verse and chorus that is not muddled. Our ears perk-up a little. We don’t know why but either so here’s some tunes that stood out this week. Don’t be shy about stalking us back on the bookface and titters. (Made you look)

Beauty Queen Autopsy – Good, Giving, Game MP3 Check-out from their Roughest Cuts- the demos. I don’t know when you make electronic music on a computer it’s hard to sound demo-ish. This reminds us the simplicity of Trio and the stranglers. Get the rest of this release on their bandcamp page.
Bad Suns – Transpose MP3 – This is the title track from their EP on Vagrant Records. It’s got noodley guitars like The Strokes and much better players than those guys were when they started. You will probably here this tune at the fall someday soon.

By Passers – How Do You Feel When Nothing Is Real MP3 Check these guys out by way of Finland and who have recently moved to London which I guess is the equivalent of somebody moving from Canada to Brooklyn. Morisseeeey like length pop song titles and a underlying clean guitar part that sounds like mission of burma (that’s when i reach for my revolver) except a lot cleaner over-all. Good stuff. Band site.
RIYL: Mitch Easter, We were scientists

A Million Billion Dying Suns – “True Reality Lies Beyond the Cosmic Horizon” – My mom made a quit that looks like this one back in the 70’s when I was a child. This tune has distorted bass riff akin to some Hendrix/Psych rock so it’s no surprise they are from San Fran. You may had heard this riff in a GoPro Commercial too with Shaun White snowboarding. Check out their strawberry EP for more. (Sorry DL so go support them)

The Rebel Set – Monster MP3 straight from their new surf punk and reverb drenched release How To Make A Monster! here’s a band from Arizona on Burger Records. This is super fun rock-n-roll. Don’t be scared of something new which is something new. Bandcamp | Facebook
RIYL: Link Wray, Gene Vincent, The Sonics, The Monks
West Coast Tour Dates:
01.24 • The Rogue Bar (Scottsdale, AZ)
01.31 • The District Tavern (Tucson, AZ)
02.07 • Blackbird Bouvette (Albuquerque, NM)
02.08 • Dive Bar (Las Vegas, NV)
02.14 • Yucca Tap Room (Tempe, AZ)
02.20 • Burger Records (Fullerton, CA)
02.21 • Billy O’s (Ventura, CA)
02.22 • The Redwood (Los Angeles, CA)
03.01 • Ice House Tavern (Phoenix, AZ)
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More Free MP3 by NØMADS, Buffalo Tom, Tim Larson, Jadeite
BREAKFAST FOOD: Songs About Bacon
INTERVIEW: An Oral History of the Legendary City Gardens
by David | Jan 16, 2014 | Electronic Music, Experimental, Free Mp3s, Uncategorized

This is a seriously mixed bag of tunes with semi jeff magnum homages, loud and jangly indie bands and some electronic based musiks but you’ll get the drift as we hip you to some cool stuff for your downloading and listening pleasure. We try to give you at the very least a incomplete sentence about each band.
Gloom Balloon – Summer Buzz And Summer Fervor MP3 by the dude named Tape Flemming from the band The Poison Control Center. Uplifting band name too. This tune is like joyous part of Christmas in a very Flaming Lips kind of way. It’s about celebration of living. Check it out. RIYL: Neutral Milk Hotel. Band Website / twitter

Dead Waves – Over Me MP3 from the EP Take Me Away. This is a trio based out of Brooklyn with two brothers from Queens. RIYL – early jesus and mary chain mixed with the thermals and some melviny screaming into the mic antics. Totally worth checking out in our humble opinion. Actual rock music with zero keyboard bullshit. Bandcamp / twitter

Tri-State – Hawk in the Fog MP3 from a self titled EP from a bunch of dudes from Maplewood NJ area. One of the members was in the band Dune Buggy. Which we have one of their 7″s somewhere in the stacks. This is a pure and adulterated “jangly” pop tune alla Real Estate (not sunny day). Super catchy. Like them on the facebooks.

Futuristic Blast – TheDifference-MachineMP3 from The Psychedelic Sounds of the Difference Machine This is total DJ Shadow shit here but we love it. Comprised of Dr. Conspiracy and DT who raps, freestyles, cuts and works a delay peddle. To be safe file under hip-hop but don’t corner them there. 16 song album avail as LP/CD from their bandcamp.

NIGHT SURGEON – Gondola Crimewave MP3 from the self titled EP Gondola Crimewave This duo is from Portland Oregon. File under Uk electronic sounding. Name your Price on their bandcamp page.

PANES – Choice Errors (Lee Gamble Remix) MP3 – This music reminds me of when you are coming down from a acid trip. It could be background music for walking around a neon lit airport. Worth checking out.
Let us know what you think in the comments section. Except for you spammers. We fucking hate you.
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More free MP3’s of the Day by NØMADS, Bill Janovitz from Buffalo Tom, Tim Larson, Jadeite and Slippertails.
by David | Jan 15, 2014 | Free Mp3s

Check out the very weird experimental group JADEIT from Copenhagen, Denmark .
Here’s a mixed bag of goodies from the interwebs spanning the US and Denmark. Totally check out JADEIT from Copenhagen, Denmark. Computer laptop guys gone mad.
NØMADS – In The Mend MP3 from Free My Animal
Buffalo Tom – Jersey Girl(Tom Waits Cover) by Bill Janovitz
[Bonus] Never Talking To You Again MP3 (Husker Du Cover with Grant Hart)
Tim Larson6 MP3 from the album Vargar. The National meets Bauhaus.
01/16 St. Louis, MO @ Firebird
01/17 Champaign, IL @ Error Records
01/18 Milwaukee, WI @ Frank’s Power Plant
01/21 Nashville, TN @ Basement
01/24 Madison, WI @ Mickey’s
Jadeite – jadeite-Electricity MP3 – Captain Beefheart meets can. Very weird shit from Copenhagen, Denmark
Slippertails – Hip New Jerk MP3 from There’s A Disturbing Trend on Fleeting Youth Records – Rad bass driven yipster duo rock from New Jersey. Reminds me a lot of Lync.
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SINGLES: Songs About Bacon
Single of the Day: “Bird” by Tim Foljahn via Kiam Records
…the confusion ensues: Top 5 iTunes albums for 2013
by David | Jan 4, 2014 | Free Mp3s
Here’s a few ditties about bacon and pigs. I will invent a way to pasteurize and make bacon toast.

01) Bacon Industry MP3 by Karp from their Self Titled LP
02) Kiss The Pig MP3 by Today Is The Day
03) Toast MP3 by Archers of Loaf from Icky Mettle
04) Filth Pig MP3 by Ministry
05) kevin bacon MP3 Movie Sample from Super Bad
06) The Freed Pig (4 track) MP3 by Sebadoh
07) War Pigs MP3 by Unholy Swill
08) Pigmeat MP3 by Leadbelly
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