Electronic Built to Spill & Frank Black Francis
Is this a interpretative dance? No. Alternate courses and proof that a great song can be played with different instruments and feels. That is what great songsters can do. Although they have their preferred mediums like Doug Martsch and Frank Black Francis case in point have meddled into electronic-esque fabrications of some of their own music. There are other examples of side projects by many indie artists but these two are done exceptionally well since the the original were first written on a guitar. Crafted electronic revisioning of some already great songs.
Keith MolinĂ© and Andy Diagram from two pale boys helped with this “contemporization” of these Pixies songs . These tracks appear on disc 2 of Frank Black Francis(2004), Disc 1 is Frank acoustic. Here’s a couple of my faves. Although there is also a version of “Into the White” which has more of Velvet Underground vibe that alone is worth seeking the cd out and paying for the whole thing. [Buy]
Where Is My Mind MP3
Monkey Gone To Heaven MP3
Brett Nelson recorded these versions of Built To Spill songs with Doug Martsch singing. They are just as good as the originals. There is a very nice BTS write-up Bradley’s Almanac on this release for more info on the mixed up songs names and concert review. Good writing so no reason to duplicate here. Enjoy. [Buy]
Eels or Else MP3 (2010) Originally from Keep it Like a Secret
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