by admin | Aug 26, 2010 | Brighton Bar, Punk Rock

Hey if you like your punk rock oldschool with out the gutter dirt-bag element and plenty of cussing you should check out T.V. Tramps. Lots of avengers-Bags-stiv bators, Deadboys, etc like attitude. Singer Joy Vay, Baby Zee Matt “The Gooz”- on drums, Brian Sugent(The Blisters) on old-old guitars and Claude Coleman, Jr. the “ace of bass” all bring it and own to wear. This is brand new classic punk. Get your mo-hawk dyed and your leather dry cleaned. Enjoy them on Facebook.
T.V. Tramp shows:
9/14/10 8:30PM La Poisson Rouge NY
10/1/10 9:00PM The Brighton Bar, Long Branch NJ
by admin | Apr 19, 2009 | Brighton Bar, free Mp3, Punk Rock
Monday, April 21st The Meatmen are playing the infamous Brighton Bar with The Takers, The Sexzombies and American Speedway.
Get yer punk rock on.
Mp3’s from Go Cart Vs. The Corporate Giant:
Morisey Must Die
Abba, God and Me
Buy some Tesco Vee vt The Meatmen on Emusic
by admin | Mar 28, 2008 | Alternative Rock, Brighton Bar, Eastern Anchors, Indie Rock, live show, NJ
The Eastern Anchors have been planning this day for awhile, countless hours of drinking beer at practice, breaking strings, smoking breaks. Walter Verde even joined the Glass Trees for a week so he could go to SXSW; but like the good indie rock celebrity he is he took the time do an interview to promote the first show of the year for the Asbury Park press. Read the Eastern Anchors interview Making Some Noise. The article almost 100% accurate. Album is in the works but probably won’t be out for at least a couple months and is as of yet untitled.
Eastern Anchors
w/ Bald Guy Black Suit (featuring morgan and brian) 10pm
Sat 3/29
Brighton Bar
long branch, nj the home of Jacko one of the oldest bearded punks with pirate breath. Also on the bill are The Thieves of Leviticus and Dose.
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