by David | Mar 4, 2016 | Avisohara, Book Review, New Brunswick, Prosolar Mechanics, Rock Show
SAT MAY 5th 2016 at PINO’s in HIGHLAND PARK, NJ a whole slew of 90’s indie rockers will be playing some tunes and listening to book excerpt(s) describing main character’s boyfriend’s penis. It could happen and you won’t know unless you attend. We love Mercy Brown confident nature and sexy personality right off the wiffle ball bat when she doesn’t even take her own advice to not sleep with anybody in the band; as she digs deep in her Hub City e-romance debut series LOUD Is How I Love You.
The show is going to be very campfire style but with full on rock with 20 minute sets followed by a reading or just gabbing on the mic. Members from the different groups will be filling in for those that can’t make it to celebrating words and music from Mercy’s head. A big chunk of the New Brunswick 90’s local music scene will be here and there may or may not be Hello Biafra shots being served.
The book really throws one back to a very exciting time – pre-internet where you actually had to see a flyer, or talk on one of them landline phones devices, read a local paper or hang out in a record store in order to know what local bands were playing in the Hub City. While those in attendance will be tweeting and instragramming like like millennials; what will really matter most is the music that is being performed this evening.
Check out the ebook iBooks or Amazon.
9pm Three to Six
9:30 The Urchins
10:00 Ex-Vegas/Prosolar Mechanics
10:30 Bionic Rhoda / Holly Hobbies
11:00 Buzzkill / Boss Jim Gettys
11:30 Aviso’Hara / Eastern Anchors
12:00 The Stuntcocks?
PS A new documentary film announcement is coming soon for NOISY BASEMENTS & BARS which will take a look backwards to the punk heyday of 1980’s, the birth of hardcore and the indie rock of the 90’s when music was dangerous and all the way up to the present day New Brunswick local music scene. For details visit VLH FIlms.
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by David | Jan 14, 2014 | Book Review, Podcast, Punk Rock, WRSU

Fascinating behind the scene stories about one of the coolest legendary punk rock clubs, City Gardens, in the very scenic Trenton New Jersey, spanning the late 1970’s to 1994. DJ Jeff Werz talks for 1:45 and plays lots of music with the authors. Amy Yates Wuelfing and Steven DiLodovico co-authors of “No Slam Dancing, No Stage Diving, No Spikes” talk about putting this book together and doing over 420 interviews! The book is named after the large ass sign at the door. This is when punk was dangerous and skin heads ruled the roost and one week you could go see the Circle Jerks and then the next Fishbone or ween. The book will be published March 10, 2013 and is available online at We only got thrown out one time for stage diving at City Gardens and that was enough. My back still hurts!
Interview and music with the authors of a book on the Legendary City Gardens by Jeff Wertz on Mixcloud
Nirvana – City Gardens – Trenton, US 1991 (FULL SET)
Ween – Nan – 1992 Trenton
by David | Aug 15, 2013 | Book Review

on Don Giovani Records
BOOK REVIEW: The day was already going to be a loverly morning. The kids were going with their Mom, Aunt and cousins to a kids zoo and I got a pass to enjoy the last day of vacation carousing around to do whatever I wanted. This never happens. So I did some research and wrote down a list of record and bookstores to hit up for a vinyl dig. Sure friends wanted me to hit Ameoba which if I had time would be on the agenda. Without GPS drove around downtown Oakland in my brothers old stick-shift Subaru until I finally stumbled upon the first place. 1-2-3-4 Go Records which was 98% filled with well organized Rock, Metal, Indie and Misc vinyl albums. Literally had about 200 CDs and rest all stax of wax. Since I was traveling browsing the selection of 7″s was in order. Anyway half thru new album release section some skinny older slender gentleman looking like John Waters with his slightly grown in mustache and backpack starts talking to the Clerk and then they both point to some books that were stuffed next to a bunch of fanzines. I don’t see fanzines anymore at records stores on the East Coast but there was comet bus and couple others.
Actually come to think about it there are barely any record stores anymore at all in New Jersey. Never mind stalking hand-made xeroxed fanzines! I can count like 4 stores from the dozen or I used to frequent. Anyway, the point this guy turned out to be Larry Livermore himself. The first hippie punk rocker.
They gestured some more and off he went and disappeared into the great abyss which is Oakland. Which is pretty much how his book ends. He mostly strays away from day to day grind of running his label Lookout Record which at the time was easily a Million Dollar business a couple times over. He instead focuses on how he went from city guy to mountain man. In fighting with his neighbors, growing pot, learning how to irrigate his food and where he started his first local fanzine. He interweaves his hippie activism roots which are at the core of most of his adventures which led him to help found Gilman street during his stint living at MMR HQ (that’s Maxium RocknRoll for you newbs). He tells the story how one of his own bands he started with basically local mountain kids. One of them we all know as Tre from Green Day who were one of biggest bands on his roster along with the likes of Operation Ivy. Either way this is a good read and you and should inspire you to read more books and do more things. Even if on a whim like my venture to a little record store.
by admin | Sep 19, 2010 | Black Flag, Book Review, Danzig, Henry Rollins, Zines
ZINE COMIC REVIEW: Henry & Glenn Forever is no Boiled Angel or Judy Blume but it is pretty funny I will admit. I could not resist the premise of a couple 90’s indie superstars being wrung through the muck by some punk (Tom Neely). The diary entries and notes between characters are the funniest part which are hand scribbled. The artwork for exception of a few panels and cover is not so great sorry to say. The cover has obvious Pettibon sensibility and reference to Family Man spoken word cover art so if anything Danzig and Rollins should be most upset about the lack of likeness. But if you want to giggle their satantic neighbors John & Daryl Hall has potential and well making fun of Hank & Glenn is fun. You know one of them will at least deal with the truth or irony of these two muscle heads in a living situation even if it 15 years too late. Check out igloo tornado for more nonsense honestly was not a total waste of my $6 so thank you!
I know a bunch of tough guy punks and fathers these days with warn out Samhain and and black flag tattoos. Never met Glen Danzig but I did catch the rollin’s band on more than one occasion. Sometimes Hank was angrier than other times but always rocked the house at some point he could not be trusted anymore. Maybe that was when he turned 30 and announced the fact at the Fastlanes II show. The point is glad to see somebody took the time to actually print a book verses just posting it on the web on some lame blog. So punk points there.
The soundtrack for reading this book:
Hammer of the Gods from Danzig’s new record Deth Red Sabaoth. More metal than they started and has the sing along chorus parts you would expect. For fans of the dark metal this is decent update for Danzig. This record rips. The self titled track is like the others ballads Sistinas or Mother so you won’t be disapointed.
Twist Of Cain by Danzig s/t. Tons of sing-a-longs on this old record that somehow all drunk preppy guys know the lyrics for. Weird huh? [ Buy it ]
Slip It In by Black Flag s/t. If you got laid in Highschool to this album you are very punk. If you lasted all the way through the first song that is. [ Buy it ]
Lonely By The Rollins Bands from album Life Time. This is a classic record with more brow beating guitar, bass and drum pummeling your teen angst could ever handle. Amazing bass playing by Andrew Weiss hands down a master next to Flea and Bootsy Collins imho. if you do anything download this record. Buy it.
Bonus mp3:
Wartime from the album Fast Food for thought. Features Henry Rollins, Andrew Weiss, Theo Van Rock, Sim Cain by studio experimental band Wartime.
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