I don’t know shit about this band called CRYMNL HYGNE but they have enough variety in their songs to satisfy most pavement fans, brit punk and the Swell Maps with one firm kick to the balls. I don’t know how I do it but somehow this stuff finds me this way. Which is really is the soul purpose of this blog to make me turn on my bar stool. There have been dry spells at times then suddenly a few random hits and I’m in cheap beer heaven. Mangod I hope there is such a thing? I would post every song of their’s if I could but you’ll just have to go listen for yourself on their bandcamp page like I did and drop them some dough. It’s raw at times like sorry ma forgot to take out the trash the suddenly they show-off with a guitar melody or two. Yeah this full length is that fun and raw. This is everything a college drop-out rock experience should sound like. Anyway, thank these fine folks over at www.smallsmilerecords.com collective who can spells better than us for sure.
I’m wondering when this Replacements Documentary will be On Demand so I can just watch it already. Gorman Bechard interviews Jack Rabid and Jesse Malin . My only claim to fame is I saw the Mats last show at Ritz. Anyway, the bar for a lot of documentaires is getting lower. This one is pretty raw looking judging from couple trailers but seems like they did their homework. I don’t think Paul Westerberg is interviewed. Is he? That would make it really good. There sure have been a shit load of screenings. What people really want is access. What’s the point then right?
Was very excited to learn that there is a Documentary being made about Amphetamine Reptile Records called The Color of Noise. Kind of made my day yesterday. Also that I’m going to be able to contribute some live footage of HELMET that has been hiding out in my basement since 1991 when they played with Jawbox. We’ll see if it makes the cut. The director Eric Robel interviews Tom Hazelmyer who ran the ship at Am/Rep and if the trailer is any indication judging on the graphics alone it looks amazing. Such an amazing roster from the COWs(pictured at CBGB’s photo by yours truly) to the God Bullies. It really fulfilled a void for the music and genre known as “noise” which we love here at the RS blog.
Heave Ho MP3 by the Cows from Cunning Stunts Repetition MP3 by Helmet from Strap it on
So dudes, there’s a Brooklyn band called Total Slacker and this dude Norris C. Guncheon made a short documentary on them called Total Slackers. And it’s totally on VHS. Pretty damn cool. If you like pavement and male bonding mixed with The Fall. You might like this noise. Below is a Grimes cover they did for Brooklyn Vegan. They ain’t no rappers but the jams are good.
Asunder MP3 by Fang Island. When they played here at office for me I was impressed. Here’s a track from their newest album called Major. It’s heavy and melodic when it counts with their sense of prog rock.
Headache MP3 by METZ. As we exchanged tweets back and forth the other day with @Obits on the awesomeness of this band. We compared them to Janitor Joe & GvsB. They are dirty and probably will never make even close to what a actual Met makes but rock-n-rollas can dream. This is the good shit all AM/REP.
Lovecrimes MP3 by The Afghan Whigs (Frank Ocean Cover). This is sounding in the vain of their slick album 1965. All Whig fans should be pretty stoked with this studio cover. Looking forward to some sexy dancing at the coming shows on the east coast.
From the almost Roof top Music Series at Ogilvy New York
MUSIC REVIEW: I really enjoyed the Toronto duo known as Dusted playing a tune called “Property Lines” from their new record called Total Dust. The whole album is subdued but very tastefully distorted. If you like clean-cut guitars and keyboards steer away but if you enjoy dirt on the guitar strings and old school keyboards then by all means dive-in to them. At time it’s sparse but wide open like a lush wash of sounds. The video below a stand-out track and is great because of the deep, dirty low keyboard the that the drummer plays! The live guitar tones coming out of their Traynor amps was cool too. Features Brian Borcherdt on vocals and guitar from Holy Fuck, LIDS & drummer keyboard dude Leon Taheny from Final Fantasy, Rituals, Bruce Peninsula. A lot of mofo bands.
When bands have a day off they get invited to play on the 11th floor. Simple concept and win for me since I rarely get a chance to see bands anymore. They just come to me and play their best 4-6 songs and back to work. A pretty awesome perk.
(Into the) Atmosphere MP3 by Dusted Korg Rhythm Afro MP3 by Holy Fuck. Much progier than Dusted. They are not Fela Kuti on this track but maybe a little scary like Magma on this instrumental.
In 1994 1/4 Stick records put out Rodan‘s rusty album. Which you would think the singer is a dead ringer for Albini on vocals but in reality it was just the attitude for this musical indie prog nighmare. They’re proverbial jam band in comparison to the finely knit indie of today. This single record you could safely say set the bar for noise and the insult of melody. Beautiful dissonance at it’s best.
We love buying records and last summer when we stumbled on Black Gold Records and Antiques I felt like a found a little mecca. I was so excited I had them take off their first T-shirt of a mannequin so I could buy it. I think I bought that pink Battles record there and a few others things. Anyway, here’s a video put together by Brooklyn Independent TV. Oh and did I mention they also sell Coffee. Perfect place to stop off after dinner around that area.
If I Love You (New European Gold Standard Secret Babylonian Brotherhood Cinema Mix) MP3 by The Brian Jonestown Massacre from Bravery, Repetition And Noise Golden Blunders MP3 by The Posies from Dear 23 Gold Top MP3 by The Supersuckers from La Mano Carnuda The Golden Age MP3 by The Flaming Lips from Fight Test EP I want my records back MP3 by Pulaski from Why are you doing this to me?
Not sure I’d want to be Emily White from NPR’s All Songs Considered and I hope her friends are watching here carefully and she does get to keep her job. NPR’s blog has responded to David Lowery in her defense in the debate. Granted the RS blog is a music mp3 blog where we post submitted (mostly) music for you to download for free. We do always encourage you to purchase the full albums of bands we feature, see them live and discover things because we have awesome taste. I do like to make it known we frequent record stores(again) at least once or twice a month, have a Emusic account and even buy popular songs for the daughters on iTunes -yup we’ll probably be buying Bieves new one. Paying top dollar so they can enjoy on demand their favorite pop songs. Anyway, we hope some awareness comes out of this for artist trying to continue make living making music. It’s not easy we know even though there are many more ways than ever for independent artists to let their music be heard. So on that note. Here’s some random music submissions for you to judge, listen and check out for yourself. As always enjoy!
First up is a track called Far in Between an MP3 by a band called EndAnd from their album Adventures of Fi in Space This trio is from epicenter known as Brooklyn. They are a anti-keyboard rock-band. Yes, this is what I’m talking about. Shoegazer distortion meets indie on this very first short ditty will beg you to listen to the rest. Good fucking loud shit like Blur meets Bluetip. Name your price on their bandcamp page and give them 5 bux.
Under The Skylight MP3 by Katrin The Thrill from Evil Eye Charm. This is a independent band. Katrin is from Athens, Greece. She writes global alternative music alla PJ Harvey meets Patti Smith.
Here’s a cool dub mixtape from RKTR from Chicago. If you like this kind of groove drug dance mixing. It’s pretty good so break-out your glow sticks and lava lamps. Depeche Mode meets the residents instrumentally. Download from their soundcloud page yourself.
[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/49996974″ iframe=”true” /]
Next up is swedish pop-tronica guitar band with nice hair cuts and youth on their side called The Royal Concept. The video is complete with pillow fights and cutish girls. “Who wants to have a pillow fight at band practice?” Said nobody ever! But we do like that you are able to make the booty shaker do it’s thing. If we/you mashed the Strokes with, oh I don’t know lets say Of Montreal this would be sound. Get the wave version yourself if quality is your thing. Otherwise I converted to mp3 for us low-lifes.
Last up is stoner rock band from Denver called In the Whale. We dig their brand of syncopated queens of the stoneage meets Booker T. Their EP called Cake fucking kills.
OK so this first song’s subjective matter is a little morbid but damn is it gleeful. You know like New Pornographers uplifting and aspirational we find ourselves humming to Toronto based Fast Romantics. This will make you want to throw a party at the next unplanned family get together or at least be dark and add to a playlist. All kidding aside if you like progressive alt country indie rock this single might fit in your wheelhouse. Good for driving as well.
You like the Liars? Here’s some new music via Mute Records. This here is what some will call a palindrome. A mystery for those that are handicapped by crossword puzzles. This is some mighty fine electronica music all the way through on their new album called WIXIW. Upside down its MIXIM. Spell it backwards it’s the same meaningless number you would not understand but this one song is very danceable. So when your trying to impress some chic or dude on the disco floor you can try this joke on them as your point of entry. Please let me know if it works so I can vicariously live through you.
Q: How many indie rockers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: I dunno how many indie rockers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Punchline: It’s a really obscure number you would not understand.
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