Some swirly guitars: Champ vs Lazyeyes

Some swirly guitars: Champ vs Lazyeyes

Champ Fleeting Youth Records
Check out the single “Burnt Alive” by the San Diego indie band Champ with a cassette release coming to you by Fleeting Youth Records. This is a short ditty with that high snare drum sound along with lots of noise bouncing off the walls. It’s California flavor of rock made by the youths in a garage somewhere like mad scientists adding old alien film like sounds all over the place. When they need to make their sound big they do just that on the rest of the release which originally came out in July of 2013 digitally. Another great tracks is “Terror of God” so definitely get this when it’s released officially. Twitter | Instagrams
RIYL: No Age, Thermals, Criminal Hygiene, Ween, 4 track rock made on computers, aliens

Download: ChampBurnt Alive MP3

lazyeyes brooklyn
Next up is Lazyeyes which is four guys from Brooklyn who make twirly reverb drenched music with a touch of delay in their version of guitar pop. Goes down smooth like cheap vodka. Very like-able though. They have a new album in the works so stay tuned. You can name your price for the rest of their EP on their site so throw them a couple bucks so they can make that happen.

Download: LazyeyesNostalgia MP3

RIYL: Brit Pop made by none-brittons, Swirly guitars, Lightouts

Here’s a more recent single from them that is just as quality.

Jan 31 – Glasslands Gallery – Brooklyn, NY
Mar 05 – Pianos New York, NY

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CHECK OUT: Criminal Hygiene(LA) rearrange your record collection
Best of Rock News – NJ and NY Rock shows(Jan 2014)
SINGLES: Relations vs Lightouts
DOCUMENTARY: An Oral History of the Legendary City Gardens (NJ)

Cassette Review by El Terrible – EP

Cassette Review by El Terrible – EP

el-terrible MUSIC REVIEW: El Terrible is band/project by Terry Ashkinos from Fake Your Own Death and Rob Easson ex-Rogue Wave. Goth 80’s inspired alternative with dark baritone vocals like the fall. The short of it is if you took some of the washed out sound away from interpol and swizzled in some cutting guitars it would sound like these guys. Seriously a lot of bands come to mind. It’s sparse enough and even throw in some female vocals sung by Sierra Frost to give it something whimsical. Four great tracks Brought to you by the fine folks at Breakup Records february 7th digitally and on cassette!

El TerribleCut MP3

The FallMr. Pharmacist MP3 from Bend Sinister
Sisters of MercyHeartland MP3 Temple of Love 12″
Les Negresses Vertes Zobi La Mouche MP3 (sire/wb) from Mlah very weird accordion indie sounding folky stuff from France. For Neutral Milk Hotel fans.

Video of the Day: FOH by Superchunk

Video of the Day: FOH by Superchunk

Superchunk Lego Video FOH stop motion
VIDEO OF THE DAY: Youtuber Tasha R claims she made this Superchunk video of their song “FOH” for her son because “he loves legos!” The band’s drummer Jon Wurster says on the facebook they don’t know her. Now we don’t know if her next one will be Kraftwerk backed by Erector sets but time will tell where this goes. It’s really fun stop gap motion 9-fiver storyline and you know how “projects” go when you are doing them for your kid(s). Your more into than they are but this turned out great. Never under estimate the power of the brick.

” God, I remember when the Brick Haus would only book Zeppelin cover bands and Star Wars characters.”

Best Electronic and Indie tunes for the week

Best Electronic and Indie tunes for the week

The listening process is painful and sometimes it’s amazing. AMAZING. We don’t like being the curmudgeon that has heard it all. We’re not a bearded music historians yipster either but when we hear music that reminds of some cool things from the past and has a actual hook. Meaning a discernable verse and chorus that is not muddled. Our ears perk-up a little. We don’t know why but either so here’s some tunes that stood out this week. Don’t be shy about stalking us back on the bookface and titters. (Made you look)

Beauty Queen Autopsy electronic band
Beauty Queen AutopsyGood, Giving, Game MP3 Check-out from their Roughest Cuts- the demos. I don’t know when you make electronic music on a computer it’s hard to sound demo-ish. This reminds us the simplicity of Trio and the stranglers. Get the rest of this release on their bandcamp page.

Bad Suns Free track transpose vagrant records Bad SunsTranspose MP3 – This is the title track from their EP on Vagrant Records. It’s got noodley guitars like The Strokes and much better players than those guys were when they started. You will probably here this tune at the fall someday soon.

By Passers  from Finland
By PassersHow Do You Feel When Nothing Is Real MP3 Check these guys out by way of Finland and who have recently moved to London which I guess is the equivalent of somebody moving from Canada to Brooklyn. Morisseeeey like length pop song titles and a underlying clean guitar part that sounds like mission of burma (that’s when i reach for my revolver) except a lot cleaner over-all. Good stuff. Band site.
RIYL: Mitch Easter, We were scientists

A Million Billion Dying Suns
A Million Billion Dying Suns – “True Reality Lies Beyond the Cosmic Horizon” – My mom made a quit that looks like this one back in the 70’s when I was a child. This tune has distorted bass riff akin to some Hendrix/Psych rock so it’s no surprise they are from San Fran. You may had heard this riff in a GoPro Commercial too with Shaun White snowboarding. Check out their strawberry EP for more. (Sorry DL so go support them)

Rebel Set How to Make a Monster
The Rebel SetMonster MP3 straight from their new surf punk and reverb drenched release How To Make A Monster! here’s a band from Arizona on Burger Records. This is super fun rock-n-roll. Don’t be scared of something new which is something new. Bandcamp | Facebook
RIYL: Link Wray, Gene Vincent, The Sonics, The Monks

West Coast Tour Dates:
01.24 • The Rogue Bar (Scottsdale, AZ)
01.31 • The District Tavern (Tucson, AZ)
02.07 • Blackbird Bouvette (Albuquerque, NM)
02.08 • Dive Bar (Las Vegas, NV)
02.14 • Yucca Tap Room (Tempe, AZ)
02.20 • Burger Records (Fullerton, CA)
02.21 • Billy O’s (Ventura, CA)
02.22 • The Redwood (Los Angeles, CA)
03.01 • Ice House Tavern (Phoenix, AZ)

Related Stuff:
More Free MP3 by NØMADS, Buffalo Tom, Tim Larson, Jadeite
BREAKFAST FOOD: Songs About Bacon
INTERVIEW: An Oral History of the Legendary City Gardens

Best of Rock News – NJ and NY Rock shows – Jan 2014

Best of Rock News – NJ and NY Rock shows – Jan 2014

MUSIC NEWS: We recently started a NJ/NY rock shows page on the Review Stalker music blog ( oh hey that’s us) so we can keep track of everything we get invited to go to on our facebooks and are normally missing out on. This month there’s about 10 shows we think you should check out by Lightouts, Brian Fallon, Man Man, Black Wine,Dave House, Shayfer James,Greg D,Reagan Youth, Social Decay,Wharton Tiers Ensemble, Unbutton, Risk Relay and a whole ton more. Check out the shows page!

Vivian's Girls end the band and break-up
In other rock news this week:
Vivians Girls have decided to call it quits as the cute factor has worn off and their new bands are much better with this whole playing guitar business. They booked two ALL AGES shows as a see ya later as noted on their website. The first will be on February 14th at The Church on York in LA. The second will be on March 1st at Death by Audio in Brooklyn. Now shall begin more in-breeding in brooklyn with more off-shoots and who knows what. Also as FYI if you google Vivian’s girls plural you will get a dominatrix website.

On January 14, 2013, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit struck down the Federal Communications Commission’s open internet rules, commonly known as “Net Neutrality” because ISPs are not classified as “common carriers”. This ruling allows ISPs to charge companies for access to its users and charge users for access to certain services. Fewer companies will be able to afford access for innovative ideas and products. Which mean the big media agencies can charge you more for our already sucky bandwidth and choose which website get a faster speeds and connectivity. You should be fucking Pissed about this so help restore Net Neutrality now!

As reported in Guardian/UK Noel Gallager reviewed Oasis videos and guess what? He hates them all! Not a surprise. He’ll be the first rock star to fire himself from his band because of artistic differences I’m sure in future.

BIG TAKEOVER – Heading Towards A Shallow Grave: New York’s Nepotistic Music Scene: New York’s punk scene love itself too much by Cody Conard. There is reason we really don’t know who is who anymore or why bands sorta all sound alike. Cody goes into some details in this rant.

Apparently there was a “Last show” at some place called 285 Kent and Brandon Stosuy from Pitchfork can be heard crying all over the streets of Brooklyn or complaining about people not curbing their dogs. It’s a sad world when a grown man cries for no apparent reason. (as heard on twitter). This is the Yipsters 911.

Just when Vinyl reports record sales because new music lovers are digging the experience of handling the wax. Dr Dre launches beats meusic yet another streaming service! The ironic thing is a lot of hip fans are super into fidelity so is streaming some shitty bit rate gonna cut-it? Check out the article by Brad Wheeler on Why the reports of vinyl’s death are greatly exaggerated.

Follow our noise on twitter.

Flexible Vinyl – The Best Pre & Post Punk Rock and New Wave

Flexible Vinyl – The Best Pre & Post Punk Rock and New Wave

Vinyl radio Show The Slugger- WRSU

We dig our old pal Sluggo; a former bartender and booking guy at the Court Tavern in New Brunswick NJ. Although he goes by The Slugger on his weekly Radio show on WRSU radio show (Thurs 6-7pm 88.7fm). His friends call him Doug. In this cast he plays a solid set of some pretty awesome Pre and Post punk rock and New Wave. Every week is something different though and he does NOT take requests. Basically if you’ve ever put a quarter in jukebox at the Court is what listening to this show is like. Almost. Except for the drunks breathing on you at the bar and the old movies playing on VHS on the old TV. A education none the less with tunes by Butthole Surfers, Devo, Captain Beefheart, Jonathan Richmond, The Cars, Mission of Burma, Roxy Music, The Sparks, Peru Ubu, The Damned, XTC and a ton shit I’ve never heard ever before except by name and some more popular tunes. Follow him on Facebook and also check out his band Mr. Payday. Also a education in what punk rock should be like.

Flexible Vinyl radio show 1.16.14 by The Slugger on Mixcloud

MR.PAYDAY direct from a New Brunswick basement is the new Jack Kevorkian sound track

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Interview: An Oral History of the legendary City Gardens Jeff Wertz interview the authors of the new book “No Slam Dancing, No Stage Diving, No Spikes
Documentary: How Vinyl Records Are made (1956) RCA Victor Film

Free Electronic and Indie MP3’s of the Day

Free Electronic and Indie MP3’s of the Day

Gloom Balloon by Tape Flemming Music Review
This is a seriously mixed bag of tunes with semi jeff magnum homages, loud and jangly indie bands and some electronic based musiks but you’ll get the drift as we hip you to some cool stuff for your downloading and listening pleasure. We try to give you at the very least a incomplete sentence about each band.

Gloom Balloon – Summer Buzz And Summer Fervor MP3 by the dude named Tape Flemming from the band The Poison Control Center. Uplifting band name too. This tune is like joyous part of Christmas in a very Flaming Lips kind of way. It’s about celebration of living. Check it out. RIYL: Neutral Milk Hotel. Band Website / twitter

Dead Waves Band Brooklyn
Dead Waves – Over Me MP3 from the EP Take Me Away. This is a trio based out of Brooklyn with two brothers from Queens. RIYL – early jesus and mary chain mixed with the thermals and some melviny screaming into the mic antics. Totally worth checking out in our humble opinion. Actual rock music with zero keyboard bullshit. Bandcamp / twitter

Tri-State – Hawk in the Fog MP3 from a self titled EP from a bunch of dudes from Maplewood NJ area. One of the members was in the band Dune Buggy. Which we have one of their 7″s somewhere in the stacks. This is a pure and adulterated “jangly” pop tune alla Real Estate (not sunny day). Super catchy. Like them on the facebooks.

Futuristic Blast – TheDifference-MachineMP3 from The Psychedelic Sounds of the Difference Machine This is total DJ Shadow shit here but we love it. Comprised of Dr. Conspiracy and DT who raps, freestyles, cuts and works a delay peddle. To be safe file under hip-hop but don’t corner them there. 16 song album avail as LP/CD from their bandcamp.

Night Surgeon Gondola Crimewave single review
NIGHT SURGEON – Gondola Crimewave MP3 from the self titled EP Gondola Crimewave This duo is from Portland Oregon. File under Uk electronic sounding. Name your Price on their bandcamp page.

Panes Choice Errors single Review
PANES – Choice Errors (Lee Gamble Remix) MP3 – This music reminds me of when you are coming down from a acid trip. It could be background music for walking around a neon lit airport. Worth checking out.

Let us know what you think in the comments section. Except for you spammers. We fucking hate you.

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More free MP3’s of the Day by NØMADS, Bill Janovitz from Buffalo Tom, Tim Larson, Jadeite and Slippertails.

Free Indie MP3s of the day

Free Indie MP3s of the day

he very weird experimental group JADEIT from Copenhagen, Denmark .

Check out the very weird experimental group JADEIT from Copenhagen, Denmark .

Here’s a mixed bag of goodies from the interwebs spanning the US and Denmark. Totally check out JADEIT from Copenhagen, Denmark. Computer laptop guys gone mad.

NØMADSIn The Mend MP3 from Free My Animal
Buffalo TomJersey Girl(Tom Waits Cover) by Bill Janovitz
[Bonus] Never Talking To You Again MP3 (Husker Du Cover with Grant Hart)
Tim Larson6 MP3 from the album Vargar. The National meets Bauhaus.
01/16 St. Louis, MO @ Firebird
01/17 Champaign, IL @ Error Records
01/18 Milwaukee, WI @ Frank’s Power Plant
01/21 Nashville, TN @ Basement
01/24 Madison, WI @ Mickey’s

Jadeitejadeite-Electricity MP3 – Captain Beefheart meets can. Very weird shit from Copenhagen, Denmark
SlippertailsHip New Jerk MP3 from There’s A Disturbing Trend on Fleeting Youth Records – Rad bass driven yipster duo rock from New Jersey. Reminds me a lot of Lync.

Related Articles:
More Free Electronic and Indie MP3s of the Day
SINGLES: Songs About Bacon
Single of the Day: “Bird” by Tim Foljahn via Kiam Records
…the confusion ensues: Top 5 iTunes albums for 2013

How Vinyl Records Are made (1956) RCA Victor Film

How Vinyl Records Are made (1956) RCA Victor Film


This is a really old technicolor film made by RCA Victor Corporation in 1956 which demonstrates how music goes from performance to how actual vinyl records are made. Going into a step by step examples of the production process which is totally riveting. Starting with a live instrumental recording being taped, how a lacqour master is made (The Grandfather), the duplication of the master, how a mold is created, and getting the duplication of the mold ready for mass production of your latest audio masterpiece.

The biggest take-away is that Loud passages need more space between grooves. Lower passages need less space between the recorded grooves so there are definite rules on much music should go on each side of a album. The cutting stylus is a small piece of sapphire which is heated. This is pain staking operation and in time you will have a laquor master for which you can mass produce records.

How to make a record lacquer to stamper

Nothing but the highest fidelity standards here kids in this film…

What is Dreamgaze, Psych and Peyote jams by Wreaths

What is Dreamgaze, Psych and Peyote jams by Wreaths

Wreath psych from Asbury Park
MUSIC REVIEW: Dreamgaze or psychgaze by any other name is a long jam and the WREATHS own it. Led by maestro’s Shaun Towey and Ralph Nicatro who are old bros from back in the day before there was a back in the day from Hoboken and New Brunswick, NJ. They have been making this type of noise under different names; even using Chicago as a front-office (yes the whole town) these Wreaths are the one’s that’s been sticking over the past couple years. If you’ve wanted to have a lo-fi trip without the help of a lot of booze or blow listening to this music might just do the trick in kick starting the bends. We won’t promise it will keep you safe from the corner drug dealer though. You are on your own there.

Last year they had a couple releases that captured their sound on a self titled and self released CD (currently sold out) and also a exclusive 10″ that was put out by Little Dickman Records (not that you currently will see anything on their site about it we’ll keep wreathsgate out of this review). One thing we like about the guys is you can always tell it’s their flyer and with that slight element of danger. So the band branding is consistent in many ways and reflects their thing as this wall of controlled chaos. You might not be able to hum a tune right way but you will feel it like a hangover the next time. They have tunes called “Coke Straw” not that they use one. They use hundies and tunes like “goin’ back to haiti” which hits the 13 minute mark that are there to support your peyote dreams. This band of five merry-men carry this thing wherever there is a PA like giants in the land of midgets wondering about the leaves on the leaves on the ground. So enjoy this while they take a break from playing the NJ area. In the meantime they will be working on more material for some point in the future. If you need a taste though for sure checkout their brother band Seaside Caves.

wreaths 10" Little Dickman Records

teach the devil to sing MP3 by Wreaths – from the 10″ on Little Dickman Records

RIYL: Psych, Garage, Trouble

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