by admin | Oct 15, 2013 | 1980's, vinyl records

Lots of 80’s all up in this 5 song EP by We Are Scientists new release Business Casual. First track “Dumb Luck” has a hair metal vibe. Cool use of guitar trills (action of pulling off and on your electric guitar strings) but then it kicks into the chorus and you want to jump. The next couple tracks “Return the Favour” and “Good Answer” are business as usual for these New Yorkers then they hit you with “Take My Breath Away” (Yes Top Gun). Now if you are trying to mix-up nostalgia mix this would be good track to throw in there. Our favorite cut is actually the demo of “Courage” on here. Great songs are just great in their most basic state. Either way. They are still a good pop guitar band even if the hair thing is not your thing.
Buy to Own:
iTunes | Spotify | 10″ Vinyl
by admin | Sep 6, 2013 | Rock Show

ROCK SCENE: There is a new night in the Asbury Park music scene which has been bringing you FREE shows every monday night at the Wonder Bar all summer long. Don’t try and find out about it on bars official site though as the Happy Mondays music series has its own facebook page. The shows are continuing in the fall with lots of past local luminaries such as Battery Electric, wreaths and others. Tons of give aways and concert ticket at the Stone Pony, Wonder Bar, Convention Hall or Paramount Theater! So get on it and like them on the facebooks you facehookers!
Mon 9/9 Eastern Anchors and Corrina, Corrina
by admin | Sep 2, 2013 | Electronic Music

SINGLE REVIEW: Art collective made-up of smart geeks is the quick high-level on Japan Soul. They have theorized that the beginning of the end started on or around 911 and life as we knew it in the 80’s has been spiraling out of control ever since. Their latest video/single shows us drones monitoring our every move with the track “Hey Yah Hey”. Apocalyptic yes. True? Probably.
Music pulp fiction and future storytelling is the great canvas that these brooklyn manipulators of sound have decided to tell on their dance pop release Plastic Utopia. This is the forth tease but no doubt in age of being able cut–n-paste our errors and revise your intention until it’s perfect here is another slice from the full release. So we’re sure it will sound as utopian and futuristically art-camp as they have shown previously. That is the irony of this all. When electronic music was still done to tape and mixed in analog you could tell there was a human element. It was man and the machine and his ability to reproduce things. So it’s the kind of thing if you have been revising history (as you work) it’s hard to wonder what is truth is even as it happens. The vocals are pitch processed with un-singable parts and with so many layers we’re always wondering if enough is enough already but hey we don’t have to try and reproduce things live. This is the magic of musical editing and the job a of a live band. Hell they could press a button and go from there or just let the DJ do the work. Anyway, enough of the semantics of this. The previous cut “transparent” was more on the Roxy Music side of things which shows more of instrument abilities but in all a good combo of the genre that started with kraftwerk and then co-opted by everyone. Regardless these dream pop rebels make good music and the lyrics are working to tell you real time what is happening as your every move is tracked by weird drones. I’m not sure why everybody would need to be tracked. That would be ridiculous like trying to read all of our email and making sense of it all. Oh Wait? Um, check them out.
Computer World(“Computerwelt”) MP3 by Kraftwork s/t (1981)
Wonderdrug MP3 by APB from Cure for the Blues (Link Records 1986)
RIYL: Haircut 100, APB, kraftwork, Roxy Music
Water Graves EP psychedelic electronic music for mystics
Empty Chairs space pop for Caveat Emptor
Music History: Moog Fans – Celebrate Synth Britannia Documentary
Deep Archives: Album Review – The Ecstatic Analog Magic of Casiokids
by admin | Aug 31, 2013 | Album Review, Alternative Rock

MUSIC REVIEW: Mystic strums of magic created for laptops is the quick summary of the whimsical pop performed by Empty Chairs on Caveat Emptor. This is the kind of music that should be animated into a film feature or laser show. Lots of different movements in the track “Eyelashes”. Their video for the track “Akira” is weird as it has a character which resembles Woody Allen’s Sleeper robot that a girl keeps in her closet to do her chores. Don’t blink too soon or the trip will be over as this is the music dreamscapes are made of in outer space. For people who don’t like drugs this might be a good way to explain what tripping is like. Like a sight seeing person trying to explain what sight is like. This is what that experience could sound like. Very Beautiful music created by Peter Spear originally as solo project into his fold he has added Whitney Broadstreet on synth/vocals and percussionist Matthew O’Koren. Give this sexy dream pop a go. Comes out in Nov so don’t say we didn’t tell you first.
RIYL: Air, flaming lips, stereolab
by admin | Jul 27, 2013 | Podcast

DJ SPORK & REVIEW STALKER PRESENT SHOW 34 – Summer Hits 2013 by Review Stalker on Mixcloud
We got lots of new tunes packed in this cast with music by Beastie Boys, Mr. thom Yorks and his radioheads, some soul, Criminal Hygene from LA, Speed Ortiz, Doug Gillard, Charles Bradley, Butthole Surfers and much more. Just listen. We have not done a podcast in over a couple years so we’re still working out the kinks. These are all hits.
by admin | Jul 25, 2013 | Documentary

DOCUMENTARY: The story of making a band and living with a band are these things you see played out. Asking the question “Is Everybody Happy?“(Amazon) might not dawn on a band mid-until they are deep in a tour. At that point it’s too fucking late so you might as well make the best of it. If band is asking that question then they should just break-up. Nobody really understands or least usually 3/4 of people in bands themselves understand the effort to make things work. There is always somebody driving and then there are passengers who don’t do anything except just freaking show-up. The day in and day out of booking and playing low attended gigs would deflate the air right out of anybody’s aspirations or relationships unless there was something to look forward to besides another low attended show. Without some sort of radio push or pr buzz going on tour as an independent band will only promise you failure and frustration unless you have a good attitude. Well at least the first few times unless you make it your business to play with “friends” or bands you think might have a local draw and forget about ever making money. Something to give you that sense of purpose is important. While you won’t be able to make everybody happy all the time ever. It’s a tricky thing to think you can conquer fans just like that. First of all you need to be good and not just in your mind. The second trick is making sure there are at least a couple bodies where-ever a your band ends up playing.
First rule of touring or playing gigs Is always make friends with the bartender and sound man. If they are not having fun then nobody is. Director Tim Marklevitz tells the story thru his lens in documentary about his friends. He was the defacto documentarian and paints a pretty honest picture of what it’s like to try and forge things on your own. Playing in front of your local draw is much different when you try and replicate the experience in towns you don’t know anybody in. This film which Mr. Marklevitz edited in between his reality TV job is really well cut. The band in this documentary were called Bless You Boys. They’re now just another defunct indie rock band from Grand Rapids, MI. I’m one of many from Anytown USA. They only played together for 3 or 4 years then split-up. This Documentary chronicles their first and last tour. They recorded demo’s for their third album and never end up releasing it but point is they gave it a college try and then released the dream of rock super stardom. Or did they?
Related links
Christopher Andrus / Songs
by admin | Jul 23, 2013 | Indie Rock, Singles

SINGLES: Oulu, Finland brings us this band called ESOM (Empire State Of Music). We’ll cap their name for good measure so there is no confusion. The guitars are loud and vocals are fem-pop. Straight-up, melodic and enjoyable music. Totally like-able compared to some of the real crap we get around here day in and day out. I don’t know anything about the climate in their town but if this music is any indication they don’t let it get them down. For us Americans this 5 piece all have weird names except for Lisa the singer. The rest of the dudes have names like Jukka and Topias. This is very chipper music yet they are got guitars that are way up in the mix. Anyway here’s their single called “Out the Door” and a video by them called “Comfort Zone”. Check it out and enjoy the happy.
RIYL: The Cranberries, B-52’s, Belly

From Melbourne Australia today we bring you a new video called “Ghosts” by indie-rock band called New Manic Spree that was shot on this desolated island of 65 people. Pretty decent tune featured people in red bandanas running from this smoke monster with weird feet and a long wicked beak. The tune itself has nice synths that bleep and carry you to this weird place. Pleasantly unsettling the kind of music you might want to watch some weird montage of animation sprawling into space with as well. You would not turn the station.
RIYL: Bloc Party,Radiohead circa King of Limbs,
by admin | Jul 16, 2013 | Jesus and Marychain, Singles
SINGLES: A new MAZZY STAR album of their’s comes out September 24th called Seasons of Your Day on September 24th their own label, Rhymes of an Hour. So there you have something to look forward to when this forsaken weather chills out. We love us Hope Sandoval.
(live,late show with David Letterman,1994)
Up next to add to the excitement the Dismemberment Plan has new one too! Listen here “Waiting“.
Related junk:
Single Review: We Are Scientists “Something About you”
Single Review: “Taste the Diff” by Obits + Those Foreign Kids
by admin | Jul 13, 2013 | Shows

MUSIC FESTIVALS: Next weekend on Saturday July 20th if you are down in the South Jersey area we recommend you go check out The Jersey Shore Music Fest with about 70 bands you mostly probably never heard of. Some of the highlights are four our taste at Review Stalker Music Blog are: Brick + Mortor, The Front Bottoms, School of Rock and The Battery Electric. The shows start around noon taking place on six different stages so there will be an opportunity for you to check out some of these bands, get some music and I’m sure all sorts of swag. Here’s their facebook and twitter to follow the shenanigans through out the day. Lets hope there are no scattered sharknados to mess up the fun. The usual rules apply. No Guns, knifes, Booze or camping. It’s all about the music.
THE FRONT BOTTOMS “Twin Size Mattress”
BRICK + MORTAR “Move to the Ocean”
Main Stage
Sophistafunk, Turtle Soup, Main Squeeze, Jimkata, Echo Movement, Brick + Mortar, Front Bottoms, Aer, River City Extension, Hush Sound, Papadosio
EMPIRE ESCORTS – “Electric Whiskey”
Harrison/Lakehouse Stage
Proverbial, Quincy Mumford and The Reason Why, Monterey, Bounders, Batten Down the Hatches, ASL, The Racer, The Blind Tellers, Crobot, Jakes Gorilla, Empire Escorts, Only Living Boy, Special late night set with The Black Jesuses.
Skyland Stage
Tim Gysin, Ross Ottman, Down to Fox, On Your Marks, Cross Town Train, The Luna Laval, Gifford’s Lane, The Careless Kids, Fight or Flight, Mad Feather Group, The Battery Electric, The Shady Street Show Band, Joanna Burns, Elevator Art, Julian Fulton & The Zombie Gospel
The Atlantic Stage
Alex & the Jam Co., Blendmode, Garden State Line, A Verbal Equinox, Asphalt Green, The Hevtones, The Fax Machine Situation, eastbourne, Reach, Magic Thrust, The Porchistas, Taylored, Chemtrail, End of an era
WOODFISH – “Sunlight and Save My Soul”
The Garden Stage
Mayday Rising, Citrus Distress, Anomaly, Washmen & The Fisher, Darrin Bradbury, Jay Everett, The Small Horse, Thomas Wesley Stern, Woodfish, Damn The Canaries, Offshore, Loose Fit, Karmic Juggernaut, Midnight Mosaic, Morning Fatty
LOWER THE VEIL – “This Disillusion”
The Gateway Stage
Sick Mind, Xenophile, School of Rock, xero gravity, Audio Machine, Casualty, Local Demise, Black Ocean, Back to Good, No More Pain, Shadows of Dawn, Beyond Visible, New Theory, Lower the Veil
by admin | Jul 12, 2013 | 7 Inch, Obits, Single review

SINGLE REVIEWS: Fuck, I know it was Bon Scott’s Birthday the other day but Rick’s voice is sounding a little blown out like he’s just had to many smokes or he’s on the whiskey. It’s a really gritty throbbing song and love it that way so we’re sincerely looking forward to Bed & Bugs (subpop) coming out on Sept 10th. This is quality rocknroll and just when you think it’s done it comes right back at ya! Long time coming…
DOWNLOAD: Taste the Diff MP3 by Obits

Next up are Those Foreign Kids doming something special from Oslo Norway with a song called “Get Eaten” because we think you’re special. It’s a little punky like early Alice Donut or the soundtrack to the movie repo man/em>. You know like that is a fucking thing? It’s distant and big like it was recorded in a huge hall with tiny microphones. This is the First single off their upcoming debut album called Zero Gravity Somersaulting Craze coming out this fall on Geertruida: Enjoy.
Related shit:
Repo Man best sci-punk rock movie ever
The Night Marchers + Obits = Pure RockNRoll
Single Review: We Are Scientists “Something About you”
Single Review: When I’m Dead by The Dead Heads
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