by admin | Sep 5, 2014 | Singles
Ok vacation is over but still working to get real life going, in particular my new business venture for making videos on a full time basis and digital support for viva la hara films + digital. Please take a moment and check it out.
THE YOUNG WILD – Just released their electronic data inspirared EP called For Now Not Forever. The 8 bit lyric video below is awesome. “Moment goes” is the name of the single and it’s pretty nice. We recommend seeking out the whole record. Think EMF meets YAZ in echoing Depeche Mode keyboard let chamber which should make your feet do the dancy dance. The kids were expecting another DJ spun EDM set but instead get these guys who can sing and have enough guitar tangle. Perfect for a movie soundtrack.

MANNA FROST TRIO – Mellow yellow acoustic american folk rock. We dig this single “Empty Seats” from their new record Overgrowth. Sorta pink floydish psych on the other tracks but mostly not this song swoops along giving you plenty of visuals. The video mostly looks like it was shot by one person in the woods of North Carolina somewhere. I’m guessing Stacy Harden is the hippie camper depicted behind the cinematography but its all good. This will appeal to greatful dead and Neutral Milk Hotel fans a like. Maybe it will make you cry. Comes to you via sky core records.
“And I’ll always get sad
listening to the Dead
Driving down to Assateague
in my head”

GALKIN – Find some slacker rock on the EP called Pity Party. Some weenesque vocal effects and some mildy droning guitar strumming gives you Toronto’s Mikhail one man band. We dig this so give these jams a go and space-out.
Ok facehookers give this a like to support the bands.
by admin | Apr 8, 2014 | Album Review, Alternative Rock

Parade On – Out 4/8 on Nine Mile Records
ALBUM REVIEW: Some of you know who Mr. Doug Gillard is even without actually having his phone number in your contacts or perhaps you got his digits from his previous release Call from Restricted. If we lead you to any record this year please let it be his latest and greatest Parade On as it’s guitardedly good.
We mean this with all affection and not a single bit of sarcasm; this is a bus you must get on. Doug’s passion for manipulating a 6 or 12 string guitar is on the same level as Johnny fucking Marr; strum for strum and we never met that Brit. He’s a band leader who will lead you down a path with several possible outcomes. One, inspire you to make your next record greater than good and NOT just ok, but great. Two, in the process make you pay attention to the details, or you will do us a favor and quit playing music so the good stuff can bubble-up. Three – you’ll take a deep dive into the depths on a download binge 30,000 feet of stacked records. Four, sell some off your guitars (Maybe you’ll donate one to a charity like The Project Matters @TPMNJ) while you mull over the second option. Actually you might NOT have to do any of this because this one stands all on it’s own. However, if some of you actually happen to step foot into a record store (even if just on record store day next week) and look up the likes of Nick Lowe, XTC, or Death of Samantha. Some of you may consider seeing him play with his band or taking the leads in Nada Surf. The two shows he’s playing with GBV are sold out so your out of luck there.
The pointed point is this is his third solo full-length coming out on Nine Mile Records strewn out over a few years of being a professional musician. I can’t even count all his other releases he’s played for you but it does not matter that is what wiki is fucking for. If I were record clerk (I vowed never to do so this) — this is the album I would literally point you towards besides the song “I AM a Tree” he recorded once with Guided By Voices. There I said it and it only. Took me two, three whole paragraphs. After that you are on your own.
We interviewed Doug Gillard last year, even played a show with him at the Asbury Lanes and enjoyed him nerding out talking about his guitar set-up. There is enough exploratory timeless guitaring on this album set forth as a reminder the guitar neck is an expansive and mysterious place. Dudes can play guitar and makes all the tones sound effortless while allowing you to hum along with vocal melodies. Our faves on this album are all of them. “Your Eyes” is the most Smiths like one, the opener is another classic similar to XTA or Nick Lowe with something off of Labour of Lust (1979) but don’t let us bore you with our shallow knowledge record store clerkdome. This one is going directly to our top 10 of 2014.
MP3s: New Guided By Voices 7″ on Fire Records
For nerds: Doug Gillard’s Guitar set-up
Donate a Guitar to The Project Matters to help teens stay out of trouble and learn a trade. Like professional rock musician. Contact TPMNJ on facebook to learn more.
by admin | Apr 3, 2014 | Singles
SINGLES/ BANDS TO WATCH: We’re going to try and keep this weekly post going. Give us a chance to say our peace about the latest singles that have been slamming our inbox without going on too deep. An extension of one of our awesome tweets if you will.

The Great American Novel – We don’t know why “bushwick nights” didn’t make their previous record either because this has some elements of The Who we dig on the track. In a way we’re glad this is a single so we can enjoy it all on it’s own. “Anthem for Beer Cans” was also apparently cut because it had 1 too many choruses but equally as good as they thought it sound similar to Bulldog Skin. Maybe the whoo who part and pete townesend parts. Seriously dudes, what good rock does not sound like a Guided by Voices or The Who when you put it into perspective. Name your price on their site.
RELATED: Yes sad face is the name of this album
The Afghan Whigs – “The Lottery” from their coming album ‘Do to the Beast‘. Greg Dulli is sounding like one too many cigarettes on this first cut released by Sub Pop. We do like the bands sound as it fits nicely between Gentlemen era guitar thronging and 1965. Which for us is their super sweet-spot.
wyd:syd – “Yesterlove” – pronounced as “wide side. This music is made by 5 guys from Singapore playing light shoe-gaze pop and recommended if you like guitar delays and spacey rock music you shall enjoy this. Very Brooklyn sounding. So we guess there are hipsters everywhere.
Otherkin – “SLN” – Good bass playing on this track from this Dublin based band. We really dig it because they remind us of music like Interpol meets The Dismemberment Plan. Very alternatively affirmative in the right places. Oh and by the way SLN is not an abreviation for “Special Local Needs” at least until the band gets out of their keeping a secret mode. Good song either way. Check out their video below.
SINGLES: Here’s some swirly guitars: Champ vs Lazyeyes
Single of the Day: “Bird” by Tim Foljahn
SINGLE REVIEWS – Esom vs New Manic Spree
by admin | Mar 20, 2014 | Free Mp3s, Maxwells, RIP

Photo by Steve Fallon
Well it’s official; Maxwells as we all knew it is being ripped apart from the inside out. Today on the facebook Maxwells group Steve Fallon one of the former owner posted the “execution” photo of his and our beloved music club. Time to cry a little. There are too many bands to list that played there over the past three and 1/2 decades! To try this task would be completely feutal. Anywhose, there is some action at the White Eagle building in Jersey City which is supposed to be the new location where the owners are going to open up shop one day. Which can not come soon enough! Leave a comment about your favorite experience at Maxwells if you want.

White Eagle? Photo by Mike Sylvia from Killing Horse Records
In the clubs honor we found a bunch of videos on the youtubes and converted some of the “best” sounding tracks and made this quick playlist for you. Thanks youtubers!
Live at Maxwell’s:
…And You Will know us by the trail of dead –And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead MP3 (2012)
Black Lips –Raw Meat MP3 (2010)
Crooked Fingers –Disappear MP3 (2003)
Dahlia Seed –Punch and Get Out MP3 (1996)
Liz Phair –Help Me, Mary MP3 (2010)
The Muffs –A Little Luxury MP3 (2013)
The Replacements –Can’t Hardly Wait (1988)
Freedy Johnston –This Perfect World MP3 (2010)
The Raveonettes –Hallucinations MP3 (2008)
Screaming Females –adult army MP3 (2011)
Shades Apart –Tainted Love (Soft Cell Cover) MP3 (2012)
Unrest –So Sick b/w Suki MP3 (2010 Teen-Beat Records Anniversary
Tom Tom Club –Time to Bounce MP3
Thurston Moore –Pretty Bad
Yo La Tengo –Pretty in Pink (Psychedelic Furs Cover) MP3 (2010)
Zeke –Holly 750 MP3 NJ (7/21/12)
NIRVANA (1989)
Final Moments at Maxwel by DJ Antone That Summer Concert Feeling
by admin | Feb 28, 2014 | Music reviews

MUSIC REVIEW: This is a noisy punk band by definition. Big mucky-pup dumb guitars with distorted “alien-like” vocals in the vein of Gibby Haynes from the butthole surfers and when you add bigger dumb punk drums; the formula gives you the GRIZZLOR thing. Monster rock for monster bros from New Haven, CT. The EP artwork brain drawing totally reminds us of the movie When Mars Attacks. Seriously WE’RE ALL JUST ALIENS is planet melting molten rock with big thug like guitars you can use to beat-up your space alien friends. Squash them like bugs with the sheer guitar volume. These songs are blunt objects that rock well.
RIYL: Scratch Acid, Melvins, Cows
Attack of the capital letters: VOMITFACE 7″ review – This is post nirvana ga-rage rock.
Singles: CHAMP vs Lazyeyes
Other random tunes:
Hot Water Music – Elektra MP3 (90’s)
The Replacements – Rock And Roll All Nite MP3 Kiss cover 1985-10-18: 7th Street Entry, Minneapolis, MN
Atkins, Martin’s China Dub Soundsystem – Yellow Cab MP3 from Made in China (2007)
by admin | Feb 20, 2014 | 1980's, Avisohara, Free Mp3s

Hilarious experts from Paul Stanley from Kiss. If you’ve ever seen them or listened to their live bootlegs. The ranting between songs is a pure rocknroll lesson in itself. You bands should take this as a free rockschool class. From us to you. Enjoy the whole hour and nine minutes! Totally reminded me in our old band Aviso’Hara I have a distinct memory of listening to Kiss Bootlegs for part of the drive up to play the Bugjar in Rochester,NY. This took our stage banter to a whole other level.
DOWNLOAD: Second-Chance-Girls MP3 by Aviso’Hara from goodnight sweetheart

Dead Heart Bloom – Check out this band’s latest tracks which were produced by Anthony Molina from Mercury Rev. For all of you music buffs who dig Swervedriver and shoegazer wash of sound. This is part of a 3 EP series. Kinda the way bands are doing it these days so there is not too much time between releases. Used to be years. Either way the group was formed by Boris Skalsky and guitarist Paul Wood from the ashes of their former band Phaser. Enjoy this great stuff.
DOWNLOAD: Broken Babylon MP3 by Dead Heart Bloom from So It Goes EP
Daddy Lion – Do you remember the 80’s when adding a keyboard to a song was a bold move and it was just new wave all of a sudden. This tune “No Solution But Resolution” has go some early APB feel to it but not as casio scary or mucking up the whole song with single notes. Accents. Decent little meandering melodies accompanied by hook guitar parts. Straight forward in the right ways. The whole EP is a bedroom thing that after some research has four dudes helping make the music now. We’re looking forward to the next stuff already. Get their whole record on the bandcamp.
RIYL: Bob Mould (Workbook), feelies, Lets Active, APB
DOWNLOAD: No Solution But Resolution (Radio edit) – MP3 from Habitat

The Duskwhales – Here’s some indie music from a band from Northern VA who have been doing their thing since 2010. A baby band in rock years. Check this tune out, it’s pretty good, in ode to all this inclement weather everybody is beginning to love so much.
DOWNLOAD: The Duskwhales – Swim – 08 Cold But No Snowfall MP3 by The Duskwhales from Swim (2014)
As Elephants Are – If you like brit pop and the band We Are Scientists then these dudes shalt be your thing. Lots of 16th notes in the drumming department. “Hand Prints” is pretty radio friendly.
RIYL: British Sea Power, We Are Scientists,
by admin | Jan 23, 2014 | Electronic Music, Free Mp3s, Indie Rock, Surf Music
The listening process is painful and sometimes it’s amazing. AMAZING. We don’t like being the curmudgeon that has heard it all. We’re not a bearded music historians yipster either but when we hear music that reminds of some cool things from the past and has a actual hook. Meaning a discernable verse and chorus that is not muddled. Our ears perk-up a little. We don’t know why but either so here’s some tunes that stood out this week. Don’t be shy about stalking us back on the bookface and titters. (Made you look)

Beauty Queen Autopsy – Good, Giving, Game MP3 Check-out from their Roughest Cuts- the demos. I don’t know when you make electronic music on a computer it’s hard to sound demo-ish. This reminds us the simplicity of Trio and the stranglers. Get the rest of this release on their bandcamp page.
Bad Suns – Transpose MP3 – This is the title track from their EP on Vagrant Records. It’s got noodley guitars like The Strokes and much better players than those guys were when they started. You will probably here this tune at the fall someday soon.

By Passers – How Do You Feel When Nothing Is Real MP3 Check these guys out by way of Finland and who have recently moved to London which I guess is the equivalent of somebody moving from Canada to Brooklyn. Morisseeeey like length pop song titles and a underlying clean guitar part that sounds like mission of burma (that’s when i reach for my revolver) except a lot cleaner over-all. Good stuff. Band site.
RIYL: Mitch Easter, We were scientists

A Million Billion Dying Suns – “True Reality Lies Beyond the Cosmic Horizon” – My mom made a quit that looks like this one back in the 70’s when I was a child. This tune has distorted bass riff akin to some Hendrix/Psych rock so it’s no surprise they are from San Fran. You may had heard this riff in a GoPro Commercial too with Shaun White snowboarding. Check out their strawberry EP for more. (Sorry DL so go support them)

The Rebel Set – Monster MP3 straight from their new surf punk and reverb drenched release How To Make A Monster! here’s a band from Arizona on Burger Records. This is super fun rock-n-roll. Don’t be scared of something new which is something new. Bandcamp | Facebook
RIYL: Link Wray, Gene Vincent, The Sonics, The Monks
West Coast Tour Dates:
01.24 • The Rogue Bar (Scottsdale, AZ)
01.31 • The District Tavern (Tucson, AZ)
02.07 • Blackbird Bouvette (Albuquerque, NM)
02.08 • Dive Bar (Las Vegas, NV)
02.14 • Yucca Tap Room (Tempe, AZ)
02.20 • Burger Records (Fullerton, CA)
02.21 • Billy O’s (Ventura, CA)
02.22 • The Redwood (Los Angeles, CA)
03.01 • Ice House Tavern (Phoenix, AZ)
Related Stuff:
More Free MP3 by NØMADS, Buffalo Tom, Tim Larson, Jadeite
BREAKFAST FOOD: Songs About Bacon
INTERVIEW: An Oral History of the Legendary City Gardens
by admin | Jan 22, 2014 | Music News, Shows
MUSIC NEWS: We recently started a NJ/NY rock shows page on the Review Stalker music blog ( oh hey that’s us) so we can keep track of everything we get invited to go to on our facebooks and are normally missing out on. This month there’s about 10 shows we think you should check out by Lightouts, Brian Fallon, Man Man, Black Wine,Dave House, Shayfer James,Greg D,Reagan Youth, Social Decay,Wharton Tiers Ensemble, Unbutton, Risk Relay and a whole ton more. Check out the shows page!

In other rock news this week:
Vivians Girls have decided to call it quits as the cute factor has worn off and their new bands are much better with this whole playing guitar business. They booked two ALL AGES shows as a see ya later as noted on their website. The first will be on February 14th at The Church on York in LA. The second will be on March 1st at Death by Audio in Brooklyn. Now shall begin more in-breeding in brooklyn with more off-shoots and who knows what. Also as FYI if you google Vivian’s girls plural you will get a dominatrix website.
On January 14, 2013, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit struck down the Federal Communications Commission’s open internet rules, commonly known as “Net Neutrality” because ISPs are not classified as “common carriers”. This ruling allows ISPs to charge companies for access to its users and charge users for access to certain services. Fewer companies will be able to afford access for innovative ideas and products. Which mean the big media agencies can charge you more for our already sucky bandwidth and choose which website get a faster speeds and connectivity. You should be fucking Pissed about this so help restore Net Neutrality now!
As reported in Guardian/UK Noel Gallager reviewed Oasis videos and guess what? He hates them all! Not a surprise. He’ll be the first rock star to fire himself from his band because of artistic differences I’m sure in future.
BIG TAKEOVER – Heading Towards A Shallow Grave: New York’s Nepotistic Music Scene: New York’s punk scene love itself too much by Cody Conard. There is reason we really don’t know who is who anymore or why bands sorta all sound alike. Cody goes into some details in this rant.
Apparently there was a “Last show” at some place called 285 Kent and Brandon Stosuy from Pitchfork can be heard crying all over the streets of Brooklyn or complaining about people not curbing their dogs. It’s a sad world when a grown man cries for no apparent reason. (as heard on twitter). This is the Yipsters 911.
Just when Vinyl reports record sales because new music lovers are digging the experience of handling the wax. Dr Dre launches beats meusic yet another streaming service! The ironic thing is a lot of hip fans are super into fidelity so is streaming some shitty bit rate gonna cut-it? Check out the article by Brad Wheeler on Why the reports of vinyl’s death are greatly exaggerated.
Follow our noise on twitter.
by admin | Oct 27, 2013 | RIP

RIP: Dead at 71 Mr. Lou Reed was an idle to the nyc art scene and beyond. Somewhere in heaven he’s telling a band they suck and all we have left is David Bowie, Keith Richards and Mick Jagger. They were from an era of music that was so original that we will never see or hear such a thing ever again. Andy Warhol’s magic and vision catapulted this other wise coffee house bound band into our collect unconsciousness not just in America but all over the world. NYC as the center of universe for many and if you never ever listened to the velvet underground you already know the music was as pure as the purest gold. Dirty but with a sparkle of magic glossed over it because in essence Lou Reed was what huge part of what defined cool for many of us that can whip out a The Velvet Underground cover at the flip of a dime.

Download several versions of “ROCK And ROLL”
“Rock & Roll” [Full-Length Version] MP3 from Loaded
“Rock & Roll ” (Demo) MP3 from Loaded Disc2
“Rock & Roll” [Alternate Mix] MP3 w/ Nico cackling in the begining.
“Rock And Roll” 10:09 LIVE version MP3 from LOU REED from Rock and Roll Animal
“Rock & Roll Part 2” MP3 by Bongwater response.
“Rock N Roll” MP3 (COVER) by The Runaways
We hope one day we can write a song as great as this one.
Lyrics “ROCK & ROLL” by Lou Reed
Jenny said, when she was just five years old
you know there’s nothin’ happening at all
Every time she put on the radio
there was nothin’ goin’ down at all
not at all
One fine mornin’, she puts on a New York station
and she couldn’t believe what she heard at all
She started dancin’ to that fine-fine-fine-fine music
ooohhh, her life was saved by rock ‘n’ roll
hey baby, rock ‘n’ roll
Despite all the amputation
you could dance to a rock ‘n’ roll station
And it was all right
it was all right
hey babe
Jenny said, when she was just five years old
you know there’s nothin’ happening at all
Two TV sets, two Cadillac cars
ahhh, hey, ain’t help me nothin’ at all
not at all
One fine morning, she heard on a New York station
she couldn’t believe what she heard at all
not at all
Despite the amputation
you could dance to a rock ‘n’ roll station
It was all right
it was all right
oh, now here she comes now-now
Jenny said, when she was just five years old
you know there’s nothin’ happening at all
Yeah, every time she put on the radio
there was nothin’ goin’ down at all
not at all
Then one fine morning, she put on a New York station
and she couldn’t believe what she heard at all
She started dancing to that fine-fine music
ahh, her life was saved by rock ‘n’ roll
rock ‘n’ roll
Despite all the amputation
you could dance to the rock ‘n’ roll station
It’s all right, all right
all right, all right
All right, it’s all right
all right, all right
Baby, baby
baby, baby, ooohhh
by admin | Oct 16, 2013 | Alternative Rock

So it’s CMJ and we honestly don’t give a flying fuck. Fans of real awesome sadcore as was coined back-in-the-day and was brewed when the 90’s were a confusing time in rock history may have missed Chokebore all together in the same way. This band originated from Hawaii and then migrated to Los Angeles and was soon championed by Tom Hazelmeyer on Amphetamine Reptile Records for a bunch of releases. Now the French Label Vicious Circle is re-releasing two must have albums on vinyl because they too know something about real fucking music and don’t need some confusing festival to tell them so. Their albums Motionless (1993) and Anything Near Water(1996) came out right when Nirvana were bigger than the sum of their parts and dwarfed any body else trying to make a dent. These guys made records we looked forward too and were cut from the same tree of bands like Melvins and Jesus Lizard that got to open for them. We really dug their live performances a whole hell of a lot too. Which we don’t see many bands like this any more playing guitars like they mean it. It’s all these internet band bores. On stage the two brothers Kroll had a burst of musical energy led by the rock crooning being bellowed by singer/guitarists Troy Balthazar and all together they came across like a exploding tsunami made up of passion and bong resin all up in your ear holes.

Anything Near Water and Motionless are two bongeriphic albums. We said a few times in our old fanzines that we were once appalled by the vocal delivery on one 7″ but quickly noticed it’s the sum of this very organic musical thing we realized there was much depth once we got to get into it. Anything Near Water is super moody and what really drew us in about them. I don’t think bands like this get made by any one entity, especially our then narrow view of the world, with a then readership of like 100 people. That number has grown over time now in the 10’s of thousands but that is not important. The real important part which this is one band we would pay to go see again is Chokebore. Don’t take our word for it. Let your ears do the listening because like we were saying. Not a brooklyn band comes even close to this music but if you are in Europe in November you have a chance to check them out. The band recently went back “online” after a fairly long hiatus and on the very short list of bands we would like to see back in action this is one of them.

BUY Motionless or Anything Near Water.
CHokeBore In Concert:
07/11 KARLSRUHE (G) Jubez
08/11 BIELEFELD (G) Forum
09/11 LE LOCLE (CH) Lux
10/11 MILANO (IT) Lofi Club
11/11 BOLOGNA (IT) Freakout Club
12/11 YVERDON (CH) Amalgame (+ Shannon Wright)
13/11 ZURICH (CH) Güterschuppenwollishofen
14/11 FEYZIN (LYON) (69) Épicerie Moderne (+ Olivier Depardon)
15/11 TOULOUSE (31) Connexion Café
18/11 PARIS (75) Trabendo
19/11 RENNES (35) Antipode
21/11 BORDEAUX (33) iBoat
22/11 LIMOGES (87) La Fourmi
23/11 MONTBÉLIARD (25) Moloco (Festival Génériq)
24/11 KORTRIJK (BE) De Kreun
25/11 BRUXELLES (BE) Rotonde (Botanique)
04/12 HAMBURG (G) Hafenklang
05/12 LEIPZIG (G) Werk 2
06/12 DRESDEN (G) Beatpol
07/12 BERLIN (G) Privatclub
08/12 PRAGUE (CZ) Lucerna Music Bar (+ Girls Against Boys)
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