Who knew that so many great songs start with the word “Hey” in the title of it. Total excuse for a quickie playlist but here’s a few attention getters to fill your brainspace when you’re trying to make a point or can’t remember the words you were trying to put together — Hey buys you time while you’re try figure out what you are going to say. When you feel you’ve been cheated out of something you deserved. When somebody steps on your toe and you scream “Hey mother F’er!”. When somebody cuts you off in traffic and you also scream “Hey Mother F’fer…” but the window is closed and nobody hears you mutter the words. When you see somebody at a office party and you don’t remember their name and you just say “…Hey you”. Um it’s me did you meet immediate person to your left or right and then they tell you their name (works everytime). You should know my name you bastard but hey here’s a list of songs. Hey, I know I’m a fuckin’ genius.
Hey Joe (Hendrix Cover) by The Creation from We are Painterman. Best alt 60’s record ever.
Hey Cowboy, The Phone’s For You by Grandaddy from Now It’s on CD (demo). Weirdo keyboard rock from Madesto, CA.
Hey Julie by Fountains of Wayne from Welcome Interstate Managers Pop till you drop.
Hey Man by True Love from their first record. Great Jersey Power Pop. [Buy]
Hey Man (Backup Plan) by The Young Leaves from Mass off their first EP. Tremendous power rock trio.
Hey! Luciani by The Fall from 458489 A Sides.
Hey Sexy by Eddie Spaghetti from the CD Old No. 2 One man rocknroll band. [BUY]
Hey this is rock

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