Lucky 13 of the Best Albums of 2010 – Part I

Lucky 13 of the Best Albums of 2010 – Part I

Welcome, here’s the first 7 of my best of lucky 13 albums for 2010. I’m breaking it up so you get a chance to listen to this first batch. Lots of albums will be in a different list all their own like No Age, She & Him II, and Superchunk just to keep you guessing. Although great bands they did not make it to this particular list. Here’s the review stalker guidelines for selecting this years list. Pretty general stuff but anyway. Enjoy!
Rule: 1 Don’t stick to any one sub-genre if you can help it although you like what you like.
Rule: 2 These are albums not hit songs or singles although a good album has stand-out tracks it needs songs around them that make sense so the record needs to gel from the beginning to end. One song does not an album make unless it’s a amazing song.
Rule: 3 Just because a band made great record in the past doesn’t automatically qualify them. Although if it’s kind to your ears for reason you can’t explain put it on the list!
Rule: 4 These are not Grammys so don’t make obvious choices mix and shake it up some variety. Not even easy as a guideline unless it’s a specific black metal list.
Rule: 5 Listen with your ears on and check out these songs if you’re not familiar with them already. Make a mix and share it with your friends. Then go support the bands you like and buy their music you cheap ass. That’s the point.

The Soft Pack

The Soft Pack via Kemado Records

13) The Soft PackSelf Titled
This band used to be called The Muslims and not sure why they changed their name to something more PC. Sort of lame but whatever. My friend Albie turned me on to them and just based on this song alone they made it to my best of list. I don’t know a whole hell of a lot about them other than they know how to compose a good rock song or two. See I’m breaking my own rules already.

Download MP3: C’Mon [Buy]

The Hold Steady

The Hold Steady - Heaven is Whenever

12) The Hold SteadyHeaven Is Whenever
This is their Let it Bleed. This is band knows how to lay it down and are relentless despite the departure of their keyboard player, the rhythm section, the solos are right in the sweet spot, and big rock ideals make every track a keeper. Singing songs about girls and drinking doesn’t get any better than this. Shit there are only four chords anyway.
The Weekenders MP3 [Buy]

Nada Surf if I had a hi-fi

Nada Surf - If I Had a Hi-Fi

11) Nada SurfIf I Had A Hi-Fi
This is a cover Album. Wait what? Yeah and you know what it’s awesome all the way through. Every song sounds like it could be a Nada Surf song. They are songs that have inspired them or they inspired it seems to me. It’s confusing but hot damn they do everything justice. It’s a first here for sure. Here’s our review with all the original versions of the songs(almost).


Electrocution MP3 [Buy]

Black Angels Phospene Dream

The Black Angels - Phospene Dream

10) The Black AngelsPhosphene Dream
Psychedelic or Psych or voodoo rock. This record is huge. The sound track for a all out acid war. Picture tar pits burning and people running around naked like a scene out of True Blood. That’s track 1 and it just gets wilder from there. These are images this music conjures up. A little Jim Morrison a little led zeppelin. This stuff is huge and simple at the same time.
Telephone MP3 [Buy]

The Fall

The Fall - Your Future Our Clutter

9) The Fall Your Future Our Clutter
Mark E. Smith is the grand creator of alternative punk among the best of the . A constant artist who keeps moving The Fall’s music even it should not be moved. His place in history was chiseled and yet he chooses to take the same old atonal ingredients using keyboards, drums, and bass bulldoze over his own castle and fill it with more crazy moaning alchemy. Great noise.
Hot Cake [Buy]

Sweet Apple

Sweet Apple Love & Desperation

8 ) Sweet AppleLove & Desperation
Lots of big rock jams on here of the kind pot smoking variety. Another big rock entry on this best of list. Besides the fact it has variable rock star weight this is great. That’s all.
Flying Up A Mountain MP3 [Buy]

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Beat The Devil's Tattoo

7)Black Rebel Motorcycle ClubBeat The Devil’s Tattoo
This is southern black magic. This shit rocks hard and is relentlessly distorted with creepy church organs. I like them so much because they remind of the american version of The Jesus and Mary Chain sometimes. All the guitars sound great and fills a huge space.
Beat The Devil’s Tattoo MP3 [Buy]

More tomorrow.


  1. DWM

    Thanks for this list Dave. I need good recommendations from time to time. You also have me even more exited to play our show with Nada Surf as I haven’t heard their new material in sometime.

  2. Avatar

    Lotsa Rock Action on your list so far! Can’t wait to see part two.



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