About Ween’s awesome brown sound

About Ween’s awesome brown sound

Ween Court Tavern circa 1993 God Ween Satan Era

Ween Court Tavern, New Brunswick circa 1993 God Ween Satan Era

Ween is the kind of band that you either love or you hate. They originated from the 4-track cassette culture I grew up on so once you get over that hump you are half way there. They created this reality that was inhabited by the entity known as The Boognish. In this head space they played with tape speeds, drums machines and the occasional puff of pot and called each other dude and Jimmy Wilson a lot. I’m not sure they realized when they were in their teens and late 20’s that suddenly this whole hippie culture of college kids would cling on to them. You know burkenstock culture who also like the Grateful Dead, Phish and James Taylor but it happened and kept them alive and working band for over 25 years. Who knows Aaron Freeman (Gener) and Mickey Melchiondo (Deaner) may come to terms once the glory of Aaron’s solo career won’t be able to put asses in seats. We do hope Marvelous Clouds is successful but to not notice the giant conceptual similarities would be deaf, dumb and blind my dear kiddies.

MoistBoyz City Gardens

MoistBoyz City Gardens 2nd show 1995 Photo by The Review Stalker

Mickey has had his solo projects and jam sessions with Chris Harford and the Band of Changes, The Jimmy Wilson Group, and recently local New Hope “old farts” Blueballs and of course the notorious Moistboyz. They even did a set with False Front doing Meddle by Pink Floyd end to end.(which was fucking awesome and I was there.) Anyway, the whole musical ‘click’ down in New Hope is fairly close but what’s really humble about Mickey is he runs a fishing charter service, plays in the local softball team and in general is a very un-rockstar in his off time. I guess the point is he found about his band how everybody else did saying “it was news to him” on their ween facebook page. Which is the sort of crap somebody has to deal with when there is substance abuse and recovery involved. He’s been there the whole time while creating moments of brilliance with his buddy and the occasional turd.

So we think this is a low in the bands history and time will tell what will end up happening. Their 30 year anniversary is just around the corner. All fans of the brown can only hope that slight reprieve will be a short blip for some more songs like Dr. Rock, Puerto Rican Power, Coke on my dick, Spirit of 76 and so on. Lets hope; as there is nothing like what they created but for now enjoy the set from their 1993 tour below. Which was ween at their fucking best. When they became a band it opened up things for them which we love just as much. Starting with Kramer (from The Pod) on bass, Claude Coleman Jr(Drums), Andrew Weiss(bass) and Dave Dreiwitz (bass), Glenn McClelland (keyboards) etc. Seeing these guys was like at one point like going to see Led Zeppelin or at least what we envisioned the long jams were like – truly epic. We also can’t forget their long standing sound guy Kirk Miller who always gave them awesome sound. He was the guy fucking with the delays for their in-between rants. Anyway for some other old photos check out ReviewStalker bookface space.

Songs by Ween:
Piss Up A Rope MP3 from 12 Golden Country Hits (1996)
What Deaner Was Talkin’ About MP3 from Chocolate & Cheese (Elektra)
Awesome Sound MP3 from The Pod (Shimmy Disc)
Pumpin’ 4 The Man MP3 from Pure Guava (Elektra)
El Camino from God Ween Satan The Oneness (Twin/Tone)
Doesn’t Anybody Know My Name MP3 by Aaron Freeman from Marvelous Clouds (2012)
Voodoo Lady MP3 Rumsey Playfield @ Central Park -09.17.2010

ween Court Tavern New Brunswick

Ween 1993 Court Tavern Photo by Yours Truly

Classic Ween duo set from Metro Chicago May 7th 1993:
El Camino MP3
Stallion Pt.3 MP3
Vallejo MP3
Puerto Rican Power MP3
Don’t Get 2 Close 2 my Fantasy MP3
Marble Tulip Juicy Tree MP3
You Fucked Up MP3
Shalom Ab Salom MP3
Pork Roll, Egg & Cheese MP3
Captain Fantasy MP3
Poopship Destroyer MP3
Common Bitch MP3
Fat Lenny MP3
Ode To Rene’ MP3
Boing MP3
Papa Zit MP3
Tick MP3
Freedom MP3
Sweet Texas Fire MP3
L.M.L.Y.P. MP3

Related Articles about Ween:
Fishing with Dean Ween
The Court Tavern Closes my 20s & 30ths
Casey Kasem Vs Dick Clark (RIP)
Nothing but sexy Prince Covers
2010: Birthday Boy by Ween
Moistboyz 1.0 and SuperSoaker


  1. Avatar

    This entire set is incredible. I wish I could have seen them back then. Hopefully they work their shit out, but if not there’s a ton of kickass material left in their wake. I’ll be destroying my ears as well as my neighbor’s dog’s ears for the next couple of hours on this goodness.

  2. Avatar

    I saw them in Detroit on this tour. I gave Deaner a giant pixie stick, which he used on Mushroom Festival in Hell. To say it was awesome is putting it lightly. I feel lucky to have seen them twice as the duo with the drum machine, but the band material after the Mollusk was good also. Still confused, but there ya go.

  3. Avatar

    I would love to know what he did with that pixie stick.


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