The Young Leaves Life Underneath is all punk & shit
ALBUM REVIEW: Were happy to say we’ve been fans of
The Young Leaves from Massachusetts since their first singles and happy to see them put a vinyl version with some of the tracks included on
Life Underneath via
Drunken Sailor Records. They wear their influences on their proverbial tattoo’d sleeves. It’s straight forward like Hüsker Dü, Dinosaur Jr., Jawbreaker were. The singer guitarist Christopher from the band will tell you that straight up. Their demands are simple and have four point win win situation. 1) get in the van 2) tour 3) Put out their records 4) Give them a floor to sleep on. In return they promise to rock and drink your beer. We think you should listen to these simple terms based solely on the fact they make good punk to get drunk with your buddies with. I bet if you put on Rancid along with The Leaves no one would be none the wiser. There may be less poser cali-punk and more heart in this trio’s distorted music than you might be able to handle but alas it won’t be the last time we led you someplace like the music you should expect in this dank basement.
Boot to the Face MP3 by The Young Leaves from Life Underneath
Stuff we hear:
Collide by Ff (aka fat Fuck) from We’re #1(1996) – Best NJ jawbreaker/mats sounding punk rock this side of the Hudson. When I listen to The Leaves I hear the heart of these guys just slaying it.
Want MP3 by Jawbreaker from Unfun (1992)
Related Links:
The Young Leaves Single Review
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