ALBUM REVIEW: The shear velocity of the punk rawk squaks coming out of the band Poor Lily (Bronx, NY) reminds is what we liked when we first heard Fresh Fruit for Rotting vegetables by the Dead Kennedy’s or Circle Jerk’s – Group Sex. There are more to the dynamics besides playing fast and the tidal wave of the 19 rip-roaring tunes on Vuxola is surely the evidence. You could easily bag and tag it with tunes titled “Microwave” and “Slurping Sludge” which seem to even harp back to themes that were sung about in the 80’s! Hell the singer even seems to be channeling Jello but you know what? It’s super fun and we don’t care. This is a great gate-way to the punk rock genre for the kids. Don’t we need more gutter punks anyway to remind us why we rebelled in our youth in the first place? Highly recommended so you can annoy your neighbors. What evidence do you really need?
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