ALBUM REVIEW: Florida has some general weirdness. Kramer from Bongwater moved there some time back, there’s a decent agency and an art school in Miami. It’s got modern scenic architecture and a psychedelic band called Lil Daggers. One of my favorite Butthole Surfers song’s is even named after the flattened state. Can’t say much about the voting habits of a song like “Dead Golden Girls” but there is something nice and sinister about this music. They take the garage tinkering seriously and use a 1967 Vox Continental keyboard for example to show their commitment. There is some dedication and attention to detail in paying respect to the psych genre in this release. Some of songs could be soundtracks for erie swamp scenes where no one gets out alive like on “give me the pill” or you can think of it as a sequel to a good trip equal to Live at Pomeii. The opener “wasting” is probably their most jaring and upbeat tune and the record just submerges you into their waste from there. Can’t you see the trails man?
Dead Golden Girls MP3 by Lil Daggers (2011)
Moving to Florida MP3 By Butthole Surfers
Echoes Part I MP3 by Pink Floyd Live at Pompeii
What Kind Of Man Reads Playboy MP3 by Bongwater from The Power of Pussy (1991)
Other psych rock reviews and garage junk:
June Hunters from Moscow with Psychedelic Love
Dumbo Gets Mad with Elephant at the Door