Andy Diamond presents a rockn’roll seminar at the Court Tavern this coming Saturday, April 25th, 2009 featuring sets by The Stuntcocks, Eastern Anchors, Harlot and from Baltimore LandSpeedRecord![ View FB Event invitation ] Now in order to take advantage of this special offer you don’t much preparation to do except get there early by 10PM EST to enjoy everything the bands and court have to offer. You don’t even have to bring your friends. You will make friends but it would be nice if you brought your chick and some money to drink with.
Sample some mp3s by the bands:
“Punk Rock Guy” by The Stuntcocks
“Release the Dogs” by Eastern Anchors Listen to more on
“Dead girlfriend” by LandSpeedRecord!
Rock n Roll Court Tavern Seminar Sat 4-25-09

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