OK it is a little bit noisy and again features a piano but the pressure is on. Here is a new song as featured on the Wrens Watch page over at magnet.com. Not sure what the freaking title of the song but lets not get ahead of ourselves. The meta info says “vox fx” which probably is just engineer speak that there are effects on the vocals. There is some crappy distortion like the compressor is crapping out or maybe it’s shitty mp3 burn. What ever the case while the wrens hone their microphone skills for the quite parts lets cut them a little bit of slack and enjoy [ download ]. Once said track kick’s in the drums sound pretty good and Bissell has his signature delay stuff going on the guitar. Maybe there is hope yet for them to make 2009 album of the year! If you haven’t already don’t forget to sign-up for the DJ Spork RSS feed which is currently playing the most recent show #25 Kiss 2008 goodbye, Best of by DJ Spork. [ Download the show ]
Rough Cut by the Wrens on magnet.com

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