Damn the Admirals, Britsh Sea Power was my bewildered discovery on emusic this month. The secret service folks on the other side of the pond have known for years. This band has got all the qualities I enjoy from the past bands like Echo and The Bunnymen, The Wedding Present and yikes Blur. Their new Album asks the question Do You Like Rock Music? Which really is your basic marketing ploy, no frills promise from my pov, and they deliver without blinking. No illusions there. They are the real deal. They are dynamic like Echo, fast like Gedger, and are able to put their rock on like Blur could. Stand out tracks are “Atom” and “No Lucifer” which complete what seems to be their third full length album after a whole slew of 7″s and cd eps. I am thankful there is no Cheeky hit perse but I will probably take that comment back. I’ll have to dig for that but in the meantime what makes this record awesome is their walls of sound that are like acid based dreams. The kind of music drug that has no hang-over and fuzzy like the flaming lips. I dig it gentlemen. No contest. Welcome to the club and don’t forget to let me know when your visa clears. We will spin on the show soon.
Thanks, -djs
Review British Sea Power Vs. The other Brits

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