The time of year is here again to put your ears where your mouth is and put in your 2 cents for the best of 2007. Damn where has the time gone? Did a whole years worth of crappy music really go by? Was it all crap? The new DJ Spork and Review Stalker 2007 Best of decisions are in currently playing in our podcast module to your right. So what is your playlist? Radiohead, Spoon, The Shins, The National and some other obvious choices made the review stalker best of 2007 list but you do have a oppportunuity with Tris McCall, he is taking numbers with his 2007 Music Critics poll; which is open to the people, so go ahead and give him your POV. The poll is long and he does allow you get your jibes in for stuff you think sucks so have a look. Happy New Year.
Best of 2007 – Music Critics poll for Dummies

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