00 Rock Records: The Ponys vs. The Comas

Hi Folks,
It has been awhile do to new baby on board for me. Needless to my days have been turing into night and night into day where I’ve found some great new bands.

From Matador you should check Turn the Lights out by The Ponys if you dig guitar pedals, a little echo and a nod to yet another a new Chicago sound, that is as much garage sounding as it is about the blues. They smashing pumpkins like without being affraid of volume knob.

Spells by The Comas, has been on infinite repeat. The lead off track “Red Microphones” is a college hit like when you heard the Pixies and you’ve gone to heaven. They give a nod to doom bands of the 80’s like The Cure/echo/smiths and manage to be smooth like Keef Richards 70’s era Let it Bleed. If you are completist like yours truly, you will pick-up the previous release called Conductor which is just as genious.

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