On tour with the band X, sister hater Juliana Hatfield popped her band into the more familiar territory of Maxwells, the home of great beer, food and rock. This night was Jule’s chance to show-off her guitar playing, although shy on solos as she put her back away from video camera and audience, she was slaying the guitar strings at points. She is still very sexy at 37(i think) and even can be found on myspace probably doesn’t have an email and still suffering from stalker syndrome (oh the irony). If you have not downloaded or purchased her new record Made in China, you should, it is definetly in my top 20, as i went out of my way to check her out, I was expecting her to play solo like i saw her few years ago play at Rutgers outside. She has a great band and they played a long ass 1:15 set, and although not pitch perfect, she is a rocknroll chick, very approachable and personable.
Juliana Hatfield drinks Makers Mark on the rocks

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