Christmas time means: Tris McCall's pop music 2005 abstract

For those of you who love to keep lists, and check them twice, and then realize you forgot to buy a present for your 13 yr old nephew or neice; top ten lists and extensive 2005 absracts will make you seem like the hip uncle that Tris McCall is. Oh, the man can widdle a pop-song from a pair of old socks and have it’s meaning deep dive somewhere smart, but his choice to include all things pop, things i’ll personally just hiss at, he takes the time to encapsulate what actually happened from his perspective. I prefer some of the artists to be a far away memory but allas he is good guy and has a fairly diverse choice of artists. Not that i’m at all implying he bought some the music he talks about, why would he? He’s nut but not crazy. He’s writes about that damn pop music you can’t but escape and scratch your head for some of them and wonder why do people like this? Why do I care about miss Simpson? Gimme the real cornbread midwestern punk rock like New Bomb Turks, Nine Pound Hammer any day of the week 24-7-365 but I will tell you this I watched when she stunk and stunk again. Not like the replacements stunk but just because it’s unbelievable how somebody who has no roots was able to get her daddy to do all the work to make her suddenly appeal to all these kiddies who were just born 10 years ago. An amazing homogenized feat, when somebody can figure out how to re-spin someting unoriginal so it seems like an old idea. Innovation is everywhere. So beware in this 21st century of ours.

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