If Keith Richards can be dad so can I. I had no clue I’d be a dad one day. Now with two lovely daughters who are sure to give me some challenges one day you gotta wonder how I’m going to make it through. I know I’ll persevere or just move-out. One of my tips for listening to the music you want on the on road-trip. So you can listen to what you want in the car when you want to listen to these tracks is make the wife drive and you wear the headphones so you don’t have to listen to the princess music. This is option or wait until they fall asleep. Anyway here’s a few songs for good old dads. I’m sure there are plenty more.
Long Gone Daddy MP3 by Nine Pound Hammer from Smoking Taters. It’s about getting in a fight and leaving. Classic rip roaring trucker punk.
Kicked My Dad MP3 by Buzzkill. This is a fast classic bar rock track by New Brunswick, NJ college punks formerly known as Butthead.
Beer For Breakfast MP3 by The Replacements from All for Nothing B-Sides. This is a A-side if I ever heard one and I think the best beer is the first beer and if my lifestyle allowed and I could be on “vacation” everyday and there could be a nice cool breeze hitting me in the face; a beer with breakfast is the way to go especially with weovos rancheros and a coffee to wake your ass-up.
Piss Up A Rope MP3 by Ween from 12 Golden Country Greats. Classic Dean Ween. “I’m sick of your mouth and your 2% percent milk” Man these are some of the most comedically satisfying lyrics that gets down to the business of falatio and not taking shit from the wife. NSFW but funny as hell. Good road trip song. Anybody have the bootleg of them live playing with version of the band in NYC?
’69 Dodge Charger MP3 by The X-Rays from Double Godzilla (with Cheese) via eMpTy Records (1996) . I’m not sure how complete if this playlist did not include a song about a car. My secret fantasy is to own a muscle car with race car style seat belts that gets shitty gas mileage and is fast as bull balls. So here’s a song that does this idea justice.
Beggin’ Dogs MP3 by Obits from Moody, Standard, and Poor. Again any song about a dog is good. This song ain’t a dog though.
Daddy MP3 by Tall Dwarfs from Fork Songs. Pretty amazing band to begin. It’s lo-fi. This particular track has hypnotic riff set to some tv track backdrop.
It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World MP3 by James Brown because it is a man’s world but it wouldn’t mean nothing without a woman or a girl. Amen. Classic misogyny at it’s best.
Trinidad Bump MP3 from Falling off the Reel via Truth & Soul label. If you like the disco era Clash with the bongos and funky driving bass lines this track will totally remind you of that. This instrumental should sneak it’s way into your playlist to add some soul to mix. Plain and simple.
It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World MP3 by James Brown. E’nuf said.
Some songs about drinking beer
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