Wreck and Reference the Black Cassette

Wreck and Reference the Black Cassette

MUSIC REVIEW: The music is so doom and gloom and lowly tuned it sounds like it’s distorted beyond recognition. Might be because my ears are really trashed or this Davis, California band Wreck and Reference actually recorded Black Cassette to tape. All good things with the proper hiss management and noise gates off. So imagine the slow drum thumping of Shellac’s 1,000 hurt’s scratchy guitars on “Prayer to God mixed” with the loneliness of Low and then you suddenly grind up the fader to the point it sounds like a septic tank truck is sucking the life out of you. Yup those are you guts and yes that metal ringing is what’s this band has documented on this chrome. Safe for generous use by fans of neurosis, melvins and unsane who like experimental metal.

Evening Redness MP3 by Wreck and Reference [Get Some]

Sorta sounds like:
Organ Donor MP3 by Unsane (Matador 1991)
From Where Its Roots Run MP3 by Neurosis from A Sun That Never Sets (Relapse 2001)
Grinding Process MP3 by the Melvins from 10 songs (C/Z 1986)

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knyfe hyts cassette review
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Jesuz christ we write a lot about Albini. Need to get my head examined.

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    Just letting you know we are putting this out on CD and it comes in a 4 panel digipak with 8 page booklet with different artwork from the cassette version. Limited to 100 copies. preorders are up now.



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